Guest Star: Alex Ball

You are viewing a list of Alex Ball's 2 appearances on The Big Bang Theory.

  • The Hofstadter Insufficiency

    The Hofstadter Insufficiency
    Season 7, Episode 1 - Aired September 26, 2013

    With Leonard still away at sea, Sheldon and Penny bond by sharing some intimate secrets. Meanwhile, still recovering from his break-up from Lucy, Raj tries to get back on the dating scence. Elsewhere, Amy and Bernadette attend a biology convention together.

    Appeared as Waiter

  • The Locomotive Manipulation

    The Locomotive Manipulation
    Season 7, Episode 15 - Aired February 6, 2014

    Amy surprises Sheldon with a romantic weekend that even he can't say no to: a weekend trip to Napa Valley aboard a vintage train with Howard and Bernadette. Meanwhile, when Leonard and Penny spend their Valentine's watching Raj's dog, their night ends with a journey to the vet.

    Appeared as Waiter

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