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Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Leonard: You pick up your dresses?
Amy: Yep. The tailor had to take mine in and let Penny's out. Best day of my life.
Sheldon: What about the day you met me?
Amy: I stand by my statement.

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Sheldon: Amy, why don't you kick us off.
Amy: Thank you. "The challenging climate of Scandinavia has left its mark on the Swedish character. These dour, latter-day Vikings are slow to warm up to strangers, but if you follow a few easy steps, a Swede can be your friend for life."

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Amy: Why didn't you tell me?
Penny: I didn't tell anybody.
Amy: I'm not anybody. I'm your best friend.
Bernadette: What's going on?
Amy: She's pregnant.
Bernadette: That's fantastic! Why didn't you tell me?
Amy: She didn't tell me, either.
Bernadette: But I'm her best friend.
Amy: [chuckles] We'll get into that later.

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Sheldon: Well, I hate to say it, but I think everyone is being incredibly selfish.
Amy: Well, you would be the authority on the subject.
Sheldon: What does that mean?
Amy: Sheldon, no one is happier than I am to win the Nobel. But it's not more important than our friends.
Sheldon: How can you call them friends when they're abandoning us?
Amy: They're abandoning us because you broke their hearts.
Sheldon: I didn't mean to.
Amy: I know! You never mean to. That's the only reason people tolerate you!
Sheldon: Does that include you?
Amy: Sometimes, yeah.

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Amy: Thank you, your majesties. Thank you to the Nobel Committee. We are deeply honored. I would just like to take this moment to say to all the young girls out there who dream about science as a profession: go for it. It is the greatest job in the world. And if anybody tells you you can't, don't listen. And now, speaking of not listening, my husband, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Penny: Sheldon?
Sheldon: Mm, absolutely not, no. The Nobel committee will be making the calls to inform the winners at any minute, so the only drug I need is the endorphins pumping through my brain in anticipation of our victory.
Amy: Well, technically, anticipation wouldn't be mediated by endorphins as much as dopamine, but, you know, you've been up all night, so I'll give you that one. [Amy looks and sees Sheldon is asleep] Really? The second he stops talking?

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Amy: Oh, that's me. It's CVS. My prescription's ready. [phone vibrates] Oh, and also my dad. He says congratulations and he loves me.
Sheldon: Nothing about me? [phone vibrates] Oh. Oh, it's your dad. I'm good.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Reporter #1: Congratulations. How does it feel?
Amy: Okay, w-we're happy to answer your questions, Just, um, one at a time, please?
Reporter #3: Is Dr. Cooper coming back?
Amy: No. Next question.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Amy: Sounds expensive.
Raj: Excuse me, i-if I'm not mistaken, the Nobel comes with a substantial cash prize. What were you gonna spend it on?
Amy: Hadn't really thought about it. Sheldon's got his eyes on some new Dockers.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Amy: I should've seen this coming.
Raj: Oh, stop. You're allowed to get a haircut.
Amy: I know. But I should've done it gradually. You know, like maybe 300 tiny haircuts over a ten-year period.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Penny: Come on, she gave birth to you.
Leonard: Fine, I'll pick her up.
Penny: Good, I'll go with you.
Sheldon: I call back seat.
Amy: Oh, I don't want to be the only one who doesn't go. I'll just sit here afraid that you're all talking about me.
Penny: We're not gonna talk about you.
Amy: Well, that's my other fear.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Leonard: If you like her so much you can have her, 'cause I-I'm done.
Sheldon: Oh, great. Catch the two of you later.
Amy: Sheldon, no.
Sheldon: Why?
Amy: Well, it's an emotionally complex issue. I don't have time to explain it right now.
Sheldon: Okay, but that excuse is running out of steam.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Amy: If I could respond more compassionately than Sheldon and [to Sheldon] thank you for making it so easy. The need for a mother's approval is baked into our biology.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Dr. Pemberton: The point is we should take it as a compliment that even you guys think we will win the Nobel Prize.
Amy: Uh, no, we-we certainly do not think that.
Sheldon: The Nobel Committee will realize that we came up with this theory.
Dr. Campbell: But we proved it.
Amy: By accident.
Dr. Pemberton: All breakthroughs happen by accident.
Amy: No, they don't!

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Amy: If we have damaging and embarrassing information about someone, should we keep it to ourselves or expose them?
[Everyone freezes and looks nervously at Amy]

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