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Quote from the episode The Valentino Submergence

Raj: But, Amy, when you and Sheldon split up, didn't you start dating someone right away? Amy: Well, I ... I wouldn't say right away.
Sheldon: And actually, it was three different men.
Barry Kripke: Three different men?! Damn, girl, way to give the milk away!

Quote from the episode The Beta Test Initiation

Kripke: Siwi, can you recommend a restaurant?
Siri: I'm sorry, Bawwy. I don't understand "wecommend a westauwant."

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Sheldon: It's happening! [phone chimes] Unknown caller. It's got to be them.
Amy: Okay, put it on speaker.
Sheldon: Hello?
Amy: Hi.
Barry Kripke: Hello. This is Sweden calling. Is this Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fowler?
Sheldon: Yes.
Amy: Yeah.
Barry Kripke: Congratulations. It is my pleasure to inform you that you've won the Nobel Prize in being suckers!

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Barry Kripke: All right, Hofstadter, here's all the proof you need.
Leonard: Great, thanks.
Barry Kripke: Just remember, once you take this envelope, there's no turning back.
Leonard: What if I look at it and decide not to use it?
Barry Kripke: I had not considered that. Got to hand it to you, you got a real talent for making things boring.
Leonard: Thanks.
Barry Kripke: Hey, look at that. You did it again.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Barry Kripke: Greg Pemberton, you old so-and-so.
Dr. Pemberton: Very good to see you. Uh, let me introduce you to my colleague, Dr. Campbell. Uh, Kevin, this is Barry Kripke. We went to college together.
Dr. Campbell: Great to meet you.
Barry Kripke: Well, you have my number. We should hit up the buffet at the strip club while you're in town. Nothing beats a lap dance and a baked potato bar, huh?

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Barry Kripke: Oh God, I hate that guy.
Sheldon: That's strange; you seem quite fond of him.
Barry Kripke: I was only being polite. Pemberton is a grade A weasel.
Sheldon: How do I know you're not just being polite when you say it's nice to see me?
Barry Kripke: I have literally never said that to you.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Barry Kripke: I heard the only work he did on his thesis was googling, "Where can I buy a thesis?"
Amy: Well, plagiarism is a pretty serious charge. Are you sure?
Barry Kripke: You want proof? I can make some calls.
Sheldon: You'd do that for us?
Barry Kripke: I really don't want to see that guy win a Nobel. I also don't want to see you win a Nobel. Ooh, this is tricky.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Amy: I don't know, Barry. It sounds a little sleazy.
Barry Kripke: Well, let me know if you change your mind. Sleazy is where I thrive.

Quote from the episode The Grant Allocation Derivation

Barry Kripke: Leonard, I know you and I have a oh, troubled history, but I hope that when I make my request you'll give me a fair shot.
Leonard: Of course.
Barry Kripke: See? That's why I like about this guy: integrity. Bring it in! I just put something in your pocket. It's good at all El Pollo Locos.

Quote from the episode The Bow Tie Asymmetry

Barry Kripke: At wast, my wove has come awong, my wonewy days are over, and wife is wike a song, oh, yeah.

Quote from the episode The Athenaeum Allocation

Barry Kripke: Hello, Hofstadter.
Leonard: Why are you cleaning that out yourself? Don't you have grad students?
Barry Kripke: Come on, I can't make my grad students do every dirty job or so I've been told in writing by the head of Human Resources.

Quote from the episode The Athenaeum Allocation

Leonard: Uh, so, look, I'm here to ask you to give Sheldon and Amy the Athenaeum for their wedding.
Barry Kripke: (laughs) Why would I do that?
Leonard: Because deep down, Barry, you're a really good guy.
Barry Kripke: But am I?

Quote from the episode The Athenaeum Allocation

Barry Kripke: Well, well, well. This is a pickle.
Sheldon: Yes, so, if you will just move your birthday party to a different location, everything will be fine.
Barry Kripke: Ugh, it's tricky. I don't want to move my party, but I also don't want to help you. Oh, wait, I don't have a problem.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Leonard: Kripke.
Barry Kripke: What's up, fellas?
Howard: Did you screw us over?
Barry Kripke: Ooh, I can't tell you that. It's classified.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Howard: So what do you think? Can you make it work?
Barry Kripke: Uh, I just need to use the cross section to calculate the probability of the interaction.
Leonard: Can we help?
Barry Kripke: Yes. Why don't you run get me a can of Pringles.

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