Barry Kripke Quotes Page 4 of 5

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Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Barry Kripke: I heard the only work he did on his thesis was googling, "Where can I buy a thesis?"
Amy: Well, plagiarism is a pretty serious charge. Are you sure?
Barry Kripke: You want proof? I can make some calls.
Sheldon: You'd do that for us?
Barry Kripke: I really don't want to see that guy win a Nobel. I also don't want to see you win a Nobel. Ooh, this is tricky.

Quote from the episode The Killer Robot Instability

Barry Kripke: I will, however, give you the opportunity to concede my superiority now and offer my your robot as the spoils of war.

Quote from the episode The Toast Derivation

Barry Kripke: Go ahead, Zach. Naked drunk girl, free balling. Continue.

Quote from the episode The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation

Sheldon: My credibility may have been damaged.
Barry Kripke: Completely wrecked.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Leonard: How was rock climbing?
Barry Kripke: He passed out. He just hung there like a big salami.

Quote from the episode The Killer Robot Instability

Barry Kripke: If you're not there, you'll be exposed to ridicule.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Leonard: Kripke.
Barry Kripke: What's up, fellas?
Howard: Did you screw us over?
Barry Kripke: Ooh, I can't tell you that. It's classified.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Hey, Hofstadter. Heard about your latest proton anti-decay experiment. 20,000 data runs and no statistically significant results. Very impressive.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Nope, I wanna climb some rocks.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Hello to you, too!

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Be right back. I gotta floss the Indian food out of my teeth if I'm going to eat Chinese.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Hello. How did I walk past you? I'm Barry.
Penny: Penny.
Barry Kripke: That's not a very hot name. I'm gonna call you Roxanne.

Quote from the episode The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation

Barry Kripke: Hey, Cooper. Read your retraction email. Way to destroy your reputation!

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Barry Kripke: Hey, look at you Cooper. You're almost half way to the top.

Quote from the episode The Stag Convergence

Barry Kripke: Howard, I'm going to say something to you that everybody's thinking but nobody has the courage to say out loud. When you invite a man to a bachelor party, the implication is there will be strippers. Maybe not completely nude, but at least pasties and G-strings. That's not unreasonable!

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