Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz Quotes Page 2 of 38

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Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation

Raj: Okay, any other questions? Mm. Not about aliens? [to Bernadette] What?
Bernadette: Do you still want me to ask the one you gave me? 'Cause it kind of feels like we're past that.

Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation

Raj: So, then, we can see the 3-D at 9:00 or the 2-D at 9:30.
Bernadette: 3-D. If I'm gonna see Thor, I want to feel like I could lick those abs.

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Bernadette: What if you fell? What if you got hurt? I don't want to raise two small children and one large vegetable.

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Bernadette: Why do you want to ride that stupid thing anyway?
Howard: I don't know. Maybe I just miss the freedom I had as a younger man.
Bernadette: What freedom? You lived with your mother. You had a curfew.

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Bernadette: You know what? I'm done talking about this. Do whatever you want.
Howard: I will!
Bernadette: I just want you to ask yourself if that tiny, ridiculous scooter is the hill you want to die on.

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Howard: Hey. You still mad?
Bernadette: Are you still a jackass?

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Bernadette: I can't believe you were sneaking around my back like a child.
Howard: I just didn't want you to worry.
Bernadette: No, you just didn't want to get caught.
Howard: I'm sorry, but you telling me what I can and can't do is pretty damn emasculating.
Bernadette: Emasculating? You were about to ride bitch on a moped with another man.

Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation

Bernadette: Hey, what you got there?
Howard: Oh. [stammers] Just tossing out this old helmet I don't need. I thought you were at the park.
Bernadette: We were. The kids got sleepy.
Howard: Great story. I need to make a phone call.
Bernadette: Howard, why do you look all guilty? Like when I catch you deleting your browser history?

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Howard: Kids asleep?
Bernadette: Nope. I've been trying to get them down for hours. Apparently, Halley's afraid of the dark now and I can't turn on the night-light 'cause it makes Michael cry.
Howard: Why doesn't he like the night-light?
Bernadette: Jot that down, we can ask him as soon as he learns to speak. We can also find out what's so damn funny about birds.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: Can I just see what he wrote on the napkin?
Bernadette: What napkin?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: That's not an offer. Do you know how amazing this girl is?
Penny: Aw. You think I'm amazing?
Bernadette: Stay out of this.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: I can't believe you took his business card.
Penny: I can't believe we're still talking about this. He handed it to me. What was I supposed to do?
Bernadette: Hand it back to him and tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Penny: You are not serious.
Bernadette: Serious as the hepatitis their cholesterol medication gave thousands of people.
Penny: Did it?
Bernadette: Maybe.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: Don't be so naive. They're our number one competitor. They have a rival drug coming out with a name I wish we thought of. Forsootha. It's got "soothe" right in it. How did we miss that?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: I can't believe this is how you thank me.
Penny: I thanked you by thanking you. And I sent you that fancy box of pears.
Bernadette: What am I supposed to do with 20 pears? Have a pear party?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: So what did he want?
Penny: Nothing.
Karen: He offered her a job.
Bernadette: No one likes a tattletale, Karen. So, what's up, traitor?
Penny: Dammit, Karen.

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