Howard Wolowitz Quotes Page 75 of 77
Quote from the episode The Excelsior Acquisition
Penny: Did he somehow just give me the finger?
Howard: Not just the finger, the moving finger!
Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm
Wolowitz: *After he fixed Sheldon's algorithm* Gee, why can't Sheldon get a friend?
Quote from the episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
Wolowitz: Puppies, how do you stand on puppies?
Bernadette: A puppy once bit my face!
Wolowitz: Of course it did.
Quote from the episode The Bat Jar Conjecture
Wolowitz: That's more like we're a tall thin woman who wants to make a coat out of your Dalmatians.
Quote from the episode The Barbarian Sublimation
Raj: What's with him?
Leonard: Penny is keeping him up at night.
Howard: Me too. But probably in a different way.
Quote from the episode The Pants Alternative
Wolowitz: Well no, you're mistaken. You give speeches all the time. What you can't do is shut up.
Quote from the episode The Peanut Reaction
Howard: Try telling him it's a non-optional social convention.
Penny: What?
Howard: Just do it!
Penny: It's a non-optional social convention.
Sheldon: Oh, fair enough.
Howard: He came with a manual.
Quote from the episode The Precious Fragmentation
Howard: Oh, my God. An Alf doll. When I was 11 my mother got me one to help me sleep after my dad left. I used to pretend that my dad had moved to the planet Melmac, and Alf was going to bring him back to me. But he never did. Where's my daddy, puppet? Where is he?
Quote from the episode The Precious Fragmentation
Howard: I'll bet your Meemaw didn't just have sex to have your mother, I bet she had sex because she liked it.
Sheldon: Stop it!
Raj: Yeah, Meemaw did the nasty.
Sheldon: I said stop it!
Howard: We're getting to him.
Quote from the episode The Luminous Fish Effect
Wolowitz: Whaddup science bitches?
Quote from the episode The Cornhusker Vortex
Howard: Sheldon knows football? I mean Quidditch, sure, but football?
Quote from the episode The Killer Robot Instability
Wolowitz: The way I see it, I'm halfway to pity sex.
Quote from the episode The Pork Chop Indeterminacy
Rajesh: Missy. Do you enjoy pajamas?
Missy: I guess.
Rajesh: Yes, well, we Indians invented them. You're welcome.
Howard: Yeah, well my people invented circumcision. You're welcome.
Quote from the episode The Gorilla Experiment
Leonard: Howard, relax. I am not interested in your girlfriend.
Howard: I hope not. Because you don't wanna mess with me. *Gets in Leonard's face* I'm crazy.
Quote from the episode The Vengeance Formulation
Howard: So nice you could join me this evening, you're looking lovely as always.
Katee Sackhoff: Thanks Howard, always nice to be part of your masturbatory fantasies.
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