Howard Wolowitz Quotes Page 76 of 77

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Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Bernadette: So she's staying in London? What does that mean for your relationship?
Raj: It's great.
Howard: I can see why she would say that, but why do you?

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Raj: How'd you get past security?
Howard: I had to buy a ticket. You owe me 1,300 bucks.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Howard: Did anyone get to slap Sheldon?
Leonard: No.

Quote from the episode The Change Constant

Bernadette: Why is this article about Sheldon all about you?
Howard: Let me see. Oh, good, they used my NASA picture.
Bernadette: Why does it say that you're his best friend? Leonard's his best friend.
Howard: No. Leonard has always been kind of a monkey butler. Whenever Sheldon got into a scrape, I was his go-to guy.
Bernadette: When did he get into a scrape?
Howard: You're kidding, right? W-- Remember when he had a panic attack 'cause his hand got stuck in a jar of olives? I was the one who told him to let go of the olives.

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Howard: You still feel good about leaving them with Stuart and Denise for a couple days?
Bernadette: I guess. I just hope we don't miss Michael's first words.
Howard: Or Stuart's last words.

Quote from the episode The Stockholm Syndrome

Howard: I was just looking at the map. Couldn't help thinking: we're here and they're there, and if anything happened, we'd have to go here to get all the way back there.
Bernadette: Why are you trying to freak me out?
Howard: This is our vacation. I thought we should do things together.

Quote from the episode The Empathy Optimization

Howard: Ooh, check out the stripper pole.
Bernadette: You know what that means.
Leonard: That Raj'll be on it before we make it to the freeway?
Howard: You know it!

Quote from the episode The Retraction Reaction

Raj: So, what do you want us to do?
Penny: I don't know. You're scientists; cheer them up.
Howard: "Cheer them up"? Do you even know what a scientist is?

Quote from the episode The Line Substitution Solution

Bernadette: Howie? You doing okay? You've been in there a while.
Howard: (In the bathroom) I'm fine. Be right out.
Am I an American hero? Well, that's a good question, Jim. Dont you think once an astronaut leaves the planet, he's a hero to all the nations of the Earth? (Toilet flush) Okey dokey. I think I have time for one more question.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Leonard: We're pinned down!
Howard: We can't get through!
Raj: Sheldon, get over here and help!
Sheldon: Okay, one second.
Leonard: Sheldon, why are you jumping up and down?
Sheldon: I'm trying to shoot.
Howard: Then use the shoot button, not the "wonderful thing about Tiggers" button!

Quote from the episode The Retraction Reaction

Howard: Okay, let's talk about something that won't infuriate my pregnant wife.
Raj: I read an interesting fact about elephants.
Howard: Try again.

Quote from the episode The Proton Regeneration

Penny: Don't be silly. I'll take the rest of the day off and watch Halley for you.
Bernadette: Or we can call Stuart. I'm sure he could close up the store, hop on a bus, and be here in no time.
Howard: He does love the bus.

Quote from the episode The Bitcoin Entanglement

Leonard: Maybe we should double date. I'll bring Penny and you can bring your mom.
Howard: Oh, make your jokes, but my date started a savings account for me. Did yours?

Quote from the episode The Celebration Reverberation

Howard: Hey, guys, there's a change of plans. We are having a party for Halley's birthday after all. Turns out Bernadette and "anyone who's not a heartless monster" thinks that's the right thing to do.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Reverberation

Raj: Are you kidding me? You're not gonna invite me to Halley's birthday? I'm her godfather; that means something.
Howard: Or - hear me out on this - it doesn't.

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