Leonard Hofstadter Quotes Page 70 of 82

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Quote from the episode The Raiders Minimization

Leonard: Did you get to the chapter where she staged the Easter Egg Hunt with no eggs to see how long I'd keep looking? The answer, by the way, June.

Quote from the episode The Raiders Minimization

Leonard: There's chapters about potty training, bed wetting and masturbation. Basically, if something came out of me, she wrote about it!

Quote from the episode The Deception Verification

Leonard: Leonard: I didn't make it back. The ship sank. I'm in Hell.

Quote from the episode The Deception Verification

Sheldon: No I should apologize. I never realized to what extent our friendship was a burden to you.
Leonard: That is not fair. I complain about what a burden it is at least once a month.
Sheldon: No, no, no. Let's not sugarcoat this. You find me finnicky, pedantic and annoying.
Penny: No, he doesn't.
Leonard: I have actually used those exact words before. In that order.

Quote from the episode The Deception Verification

Sheldon: Well, Leonard, I think it's high time we address the tweepadoc in the room.
Leonard: The what?

Quote from the episode The Deception Verification

Leonard: This is me doing the Titanic pose on the boat. ... Oh, that's me getting rescued when I fell in.

Quote from the episode The Deception Verification

Leonard: I'm going to hit the head. That's what us salty sea dogs say when we have to go pee-pee.

Quote from the episode The Cooper/Kripke Inversion

Leonard: Maybe it's a shipping problem.
Howard: What?
Leonard: Maybe Wesley Snipes and Toucan Sam just got action figures that look like you guys.

Quote from the episode The Tangible Affection Proof

Howard: A micro-valentine for a microbiologist.
Leonard: From her micro-husband.

Quote from the episode The Tangible Affection Proof

Penny: Leonard Hofstadler...
Leonard: Yes?
Penny: Will you be my valentine?
Leonard: Sorry. Maybe next year. I'm just kidding! Romance ninja. Let's have sex.

Quote from the episode The Tangible Affection Proof

Leonard: I'm cool with surprises, but nothing on the Jumbotron. I don't want to cry on the big screen like that.

Quote from the episode The Contractual Obligation Implementation

Howard: Last time I was here, I was a scrawny little nerd.
Leonard: And now you're also an astronaut.

Quote from the episode The Contractual Obligation Implementation

Sheldon: I believe in a gender blind society like in Star Trek. Where women and men of all races and creeds worked side-by-side as equals.
Leonard: You mean where they were advanced enough to develop an interstellar warp drive, but a black lady still answered the space phone?

Quote from the episode The Tenure Turbulence

Leonard: (To Penny) Way to hit 'em with both barrels.

Quote from the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction

Leonard: Sheldon's nervous about me leaving. Just keep an eye on him while I'm gone.
Penny: Oh, I don't know. Remember what happened when I took care of your goldfish?
Leonard: Well, flush Sheldon down the toilet and get me a new one.

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