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Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Amy: It's not nice. She's having on the scientists who are trying to steal our Nobel Prize.
Sheldon: Although I will enjoy watching her expose Pemberton and Campbell for the coattail-riding frauds that they are.
Leonard: That is Ellen's brand, gotcha journalism.
Penny: Yeah, you should've seen her take down John Krasinski last week. Got him to admit he loved his wife. It was brutal.

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Amy: It's for the Nobel Laureates. We need them on our side, but unfortunately, Sheldon-
Penny: No. "Unfortunately, Sheldon" that's all you got to say.

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Penny: So none of them are coming to the reception?
Amy: I don't think so.
Penny: Okay, what did he say that was so insulting?
Amy: Well, he may have suggested there was an inelegance to the quadrupole normalization of Smoot's data.
Penny: Damn.

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Penny: Okay, look, Sheldon's a pain in the ass. But Dr. Fowler's really nice. So if you average them out - math - you got someone who's okay.
Leonard: But more than the person, the Nobel is about the work. You should understand that more than anyone.
Penny: Yes, because of your work on gravitational waves.
Kip Thorne: You know my work?
Penny: I do. But I'm-I'm really hogging this conversation. Leonard?

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Leonard: Just give them a chance. Uh, science has a history of difficult people. Look at, uh, Newton, who was a jerk to Leibniz, and Leibniz, who was a jerk to everyone.
Penny: Yeah, you know, and I don't need to tell you that gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of space-time. Or that the- Hey, you worked on the movie Interstellar?

Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation

Amy: Hey, we just heard that you're the ones who convinced the Nobel Laureates to come.
Sheldon: Thank you.
Penny: You are welcome.
Leonard: You guys deserve this.
Penny: Yeah, now get out of here, go talk to some smart people.
Leonard: Wait a minute.
Penny: Yeah, sorry. Sometimes I forget you're smart because you're so sexy.
Leonard: I can see that.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: And the absence of side effects means that Inflaminex "can be taken in conjunction with other medications. It's a brand-new day. Such a good tagline, I forgot, who came up with that?
Karen: You did.
Penny: That's right, I did.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: Okay, I know it's late and I've been working you guys really hard, so I have a little treat for you.
Darren: We get to go home?
Penny: No. You get to stay here and get vitamin B12 shots.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: I think things are going pretty good.
Bernadette: Are you aware that Dave's in the break room crying?
Penny: Yeah, I told him if he's gonna be a crybaby, go to the break room.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: See? You're doing great.
Penny: Yeah. Mediocre actress, great drug pusher. Who knew?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: Okay. Let's everyone calm down. If you can't find a pill for that here, then you're not trying hard enough.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Bernadette: I don't know what it is about that guy, but he just gets on my nerves.
Penny: Well, you scared the bad man away. Who's a good girl?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Penny: Hey, can I help you?
Kwame: Actually, I'm looking for the bathroom.
Penny: Ah, yes. It's right next to the laxative booth. Clever, right?

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Danny: Is Dr. Rostenkowski around?
Penny: No, she stepped out for a call, although I wouldn't be surprised if she's in line to meet Ray Liotta.

Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation

Danny: Something tells me she's not crazy about me.
Penny: Yeah. Something tells me that, too, and it was her.

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