Penny Quotes Page 4 of 75
Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation
Penny: Okay. Let's everyone calm down. If you can't find a pill for that here, then you're not trying hard enough.
Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation
Bernadette: See? You're doing great.
Penny: Yeah. Mediocre actress, great drug pusher. Who knew?
Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation
Penny: I think things are going pretty good.
Bernadette: Are you aware that Dave's in the break room crying?
Penny: Yeah, I told him if he's gonna be a crybaby, go to the break room.
Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation
Penny: Okay, I know it's late and I've been working you guys really hard, so I have a little treat for you.
Darren: We get to go home?
Penny: No. You get to stay here and get vitamin B12 shots.
Quote from the episode The Conference Valuation
Penny: And the absence of side effects means that Inflaminex "can be taken in conjunction with other medications. It's a brand-new day. Such a good tagline, I forgot, who came up with that?
Karen: You did.
Penny: That's right, I did.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
William Shatner: Are we playing musical chairs or Dungeons & Dragons?
Penny: Yeah, let's teach that ogre what my broadsword tastes like.
William Shatner: I like your moxie.
Penny: Aw, and I like your grandpa words.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Penny: Hey, you know what was fun? That time we played Dungeons & Dragons.
Amy: That was fun. We should play that more.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Penny: I can't believe you met Joe Manganiello. Is he nice?
Leonard: Oh, he's so nice. I-I-I rolled my dice underneath the couch, and he just lifted it up, one hand.
Penny: Oh, I-I bet he did.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Leonard: Oh, a-and that, uh, the guy that played the werewolf on-on True Blood, he was there.
Penny: Wh-- Joe Manganiello?
Leonard: Uh, yeah.
Penny: From Magic Mike?
Leonard: What's that?
Penny: Okay, okay, did he look like this?
Leonard: He had his clothes on, but, yeah.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Leonard: Okay, well, if you really want to know, I'll tell you where I was. I was at Wil's D&D game, but that's all I can say.
Penny: Oh, fun. Were there famous people there?
Leonard: Ah, sorry, I-I-I can't tell you that. Okay, well, yes, but I-I-I-I can't tell you who.
Well, no, I-I can tell you Shatner, but that's only because you already knew that one.
Penny: Well, I'm glad you had fun.
Leonard: Yeah. Ugh, I wish I could tell you who else was there. [chuckles] I can't, I promised.
Penny: Yeah, if it makes you feel better, I couldn't care less.
Leonard: That's true, you don't care, so there's no harm in telling you.
Penny: Okay, you really don't have to.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Penny: Hey, how was your lecture?
Leonard: Oh, it was so good. I-I-I mean, it-it started great, and then the, the middle was great, and then the ending was like [imitates explosion]. So great.
Penny: Leonard, if you went to House of Pies again, just say it.
Leonard: [stammers] Wait, if you think I'm lying, why do you think I'm eating pies? Why don't you think I'm having an affair?
Penny: Listen, i-it's fine, just next time, bring me a slice.
Quote from the episode The D & D Vortex
Leonard: Why would Wil invite Stuart and not us?
Bernadette: I know the answer.
Penny: Yeah. We all know the answer.
Quote from the episode The Donation Oscillation
Leonard: Uh, Wyatt, we need to talk.
Wyatt: Sure. What's up?
Leonard: I want you to back off. You know? If Penny and I don't have kids, that's between us. So you need to stay out of it.
Penny: Oh, Leonard, it's okay. We talked. We're good.
Leonard: Oh. Okay, you could've stopped me sooner.
Penny: Could've let you go longer.
Quote from the episode The Donation Oscillation
Penny: Yes. I feel like I'm letting everybody down. I hate disappointing Leonard, but I really hate disappointing you.
Wyatt: Oh, Slugger, you could never disappoint me. Okay, your high school years were a little rough.
Penny: Yeah. And I'm sorry about that.
Wyatt: There was you sneaking out at night and your boyfriends sneaking out in the morning.
Penny: I said sorry.
Wyatt: That time you got drunk and stole a horse.
Penny: Yeah. I was there. I remember. Parts of it.
Quote from the episode The Donation Oscillation
Wyatt: That was a long run.
Penny: Yeah. Well, I was in the zone. You know, and then in a diner and then in a massage chair at the mall where I fell asleep.
Wyatt: Are you avoiding me?
Penny: Well, I took a nap next to Hot Dog on a Stick. What do you think?
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