Guest Star: Caleb Pierce
You are viewing a list of Caleb Pierce's 2 appearances on The Big Bang Theory.
The Athenaeum Allocation
Season 11, Episode 17 - Aired March 8, 2018When Sheldon and Amy find the perfect place to host their wedding, Leonard finds himself with the burden of making it happen. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette struggle to decide who should stay at home with the kids and who should head back to work.
Appeared as Jess
The Confirmation Polarization
Season 12, Episode 13 - Aired January 17, 2019Sheldon and Amy are thrilled when two physicists from Fermilab prove their theory of super asymmetry, but their joy dissipates when Doctors Pemberton and Campbell try to take credit for the work. Meanwhile, Bernadette offers Penny the chance to head up the sales team for a drug she developed.
Appeared as Jess