Big Bang Theory Quote 10879

Quote from Mr. Fowler in the episode The Conjugal Configuration

Penny: Oh, uh, Mr. Fowler. Sorry, we didn't know you were here. We actually thought someone was breaking in.
Raj: And we were ready to take them down.
Mr. Fowler: Amy asked me to water her plants.
Penny: She doesn't have any plants.
Mr. Fowler: Oh. Well, you caught me in a lie. Have a good day.

 ‘The Conjugal Configuration’ Quotes

Quote from Penny

Penny: You know, you compared us to the strangest couple we know, and we know Amy and Sheldon, Howard and Bernadette, Raj and his twitchy little dog.

Quote from Sheldon

Amy: How's this for a compromise? Make all the schedules you want, just don't tell me about them.
Sheldon: Excellent. I'll create an algorithm that'll generate a pseudo-random schedule.
Yeah, and do you know why it won't be a true random schedule?
Amy: Because the generation of true random numbers remains an unsolved problem in computer science.
Sheldon: Come with me.
Amy: Where are we going?
Sheldon: To the hotel room. And when we get there, I'm gonna need you to say that again, except naked.

Quote from Howard

Raj: Sounds like someone's in there.
Bernadette: My God, what if Sheldon and Amy are getting robbed?
Howard: Or worse, what if they're back early?