Big Bang Theory Quote 11482
Quote from Zack in the episode The Propagation Proposition
Zack: So listen, I got to be honest. We sort of have another reason for asking you here.
Marissa: We want to have a baby, but we can't do it on our own.
Zack: It could be because of the game me and my frat brothers used to play where we kicked each other in the balls over and over. But the doc says there's no telling.
Marissa: We just don't know.
Leonard: Huh. You went to college.
‘The Propagation Proposition’ Quotes
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: This is so great. Why don't we do it more often?
Amy: Because you have two kids, I have Sheldon, and Penny's apparently in the gym all the time, 'cause damn, look at her!
Bernadette: Yeah, so impressive how you manage to bounce back after having no babies.
Penny: Ah, another reason why we don't do this more often.
Penny: Thank you, but you shouldn't have spent so much.
Zack: Nah. It's cool. I sold my company for a boatload of money. And then I bought a boat. Then I got married. Guess where.
Amy: On your boat?
Zack: No, but that would've been awesome!
Penny: Did-did you send this over?
Zack: I did. I asked for the most expensive one they have. They said it was $200, and I said I want a more expensive one. And then, they said it was $300.
Amy: But it-it was the same-
Penny: Don't.