Big Bang Theory Quote 4093

Quote from other character in the episode The Champagne Reflection

Bernadette: Penny told me that everyone's scared of me.
Dan: What? Why would she say that? You know she drinks, right?

 ‘The Champagne Reflection’ Quotes

Quote from Amy

Sheldon: I'd like to take a moment to personally thank Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, who you may or may not know is the first woman to co-host a flag or banner related Internet infotainment show.
Amy: Take that glass ceiling!

Quote from Leonard

Leonard: You know what, this bottle was meant to celebrate an achievement. Let's make a pact. When one of us gets their first big breakthrough, we'll celebrate by opening this bottle and toasting Professor Abbott.
Howard: I love that.
Raj: Me too.
Leonard: Then, of course, rubbing our success in Sheldon's face.
Howard: Well that's the best part.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Sheldon, that was beautiful.
Sheldon: If you didn't press record-
Amy: I pressed it!