Big Bang Theory Quote 9061

Quote from Amy in the episode The Higgs Boson Observation

Penny: So, who are you calling?
Amy: I'm going to video-chat Sheldon. If my new look leads to phone sex, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room.

 Amy Quotes

Quote from the episode The Opening Night Excitation

Amy: Okay, what is going on?
Penny: We just want you to be prepared for any surprises that could happen tomorrow.
Amy: What surprises?
Bernadette: We don't want to spoil anything, but you should know that Sheldon said he's ready to be physical.
Amy: You shut your damn mouth! You actually heard him say this?
Penny: Yes, he said he wants to do something to show you how much you mean to him.
Amy: I can't believe it. I don't know what to say.
Bernadette: Well, we're really happy for you and we know how much-
Amy: I do know what to say. Let's get me waxed!

Quote from the episode The Romance Resonance

Sheldon: Sheldon Cooper does not get lucky.
Amy: You and me both, brother.

Quote from the episode The Hesitation Ramification

Amy: Do you have any idea how hard it is to laugh at a knock knock joke that starts "Knock Knock Knock, Amy. Knock Knock Knock, Amy. Knock Knock Knock, Amy"?

 ‘The Higgs Boson Observation’ Quotes

Quote from Howard

Bernadette: How you doing, Howie? You feeling a little better?
Howard: Oh, a lot better, thanks. One sec. Listen close, I don't have a lot of time. I need you to go to my house. In my bedroom, you'll find a model rocket. I want you to take it and bring it back to your place.
Bernadette: Okay.
Howard: Step two, build a version roughly fourteen stories high. Fill it full of rocket fuel and come get me. I'll leave the door unlocked.
Bernadette: Howie, honey, maybe you should talk to someone, let them know you're having a little anxiety.
Howard: No, no, I'm fine. No anxiety. We should probably talk in code. From now on, frog is me, sandwich means you and lemon means rocket. So, come on, sandwich, build me a lemon 'cause froggy wants to come home.

Quote from Penny

Penny: Well, of course he's desirable. I mean, he's great. He's smart, he's sweet and, ooh, in the bedroom, whew, let me tell you he really tries.

Quote from Penny

Amy: Sheldon told me he had a new assistant named Alex. He didn't mention that Alex was a girl.
Penny: Maybe he didn't notice.