Big Bang Theory Quote 928

Quote from other character in the episode The Griffin Equivalency

Raj: Dr. Gablehouser.
Dr. Gablehouser: Dr. Koothrapali.
Leonard: Dr. Gablehouser.
Dr. Gablehouser: Dr. Hofstadter.
Sheldon: Dr. Gablehouser.
Dr. Gablehouser: Dr. Cooper.
Howard: Dr. Gablehouser.
Dr. Gablehouser: Mr. Wolowitz

 ‘The Griffin Equivalency’ Quotes

Quote from Sheldon

Howard: Sheldon, don't take this the wrong way, but, you're insane.
Leonard: That may well be, but the fact is it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people.
Sheldon: For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They could be murderers or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested.

Quote from Leonard

Leonard: [to a "smiling" Sheldon] We're here to see Koothrappali, not kill Batman.

Quote from Howard

(Sheldon smiles in a grotesque way).
Howard: Oh crap that's terrifying.