Your Data

Like many sites, we collect user information to analyze traffic, protect our server and run interactive sections of the website [eg. polls, episode tournaments].

Here is the data we currently hold on you, based on your current IP address []*

Here is what we have collected:

Server Logs

Our server automatically records every request made to the server in our log files. Technical considerations prevent us from listing how many relevant entries there are for you.

Quote Submissions

We have 0 entries about you

Contest Entries

We have 0 entries about you

Episode Tournament

We have 0 entries about you

Administrative / Error Logs

We have 0 entries about you

*With the exception of our episode tournament system, we do not set a cookie to track people between their visits. When your IP address changes you are in effect a new visitor to us. We therefore cannot connect you to your previous visits under other IP addresses.

You may request a copy of the data we currently hold about you.

Make a data access request