Episode Titles: Dissipation

 You are viewing a list of 2 The Big Bang Theory episodes featuring "Dissipation" in their title.

  • The Discovery Dissipation

    The Discovery Dissipation
    Season 7, Episode 10 - Aired December 5, 2013

    When Sheldon's accidental science discovery is disproved by Leonard, he and Amy help Sheldon get over his shame. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette get some unwanted relationship advice from Raj, who's staying at their apartment for a week.

  • The Recollection Dissipation

    The Recollection Dissipation
    Season 10, Episode 20 - Aired April 6, 2017

    When Sheldon double books himself and must work on projects with the guys and with Amy on the same day, he wears himself down and catches the flu. After Sheldon takes cold medicine to power through the illness, he loses track of an entire day ... and a notebook containing classified information.

    Meanwhile, Bernadette has mixed feelings as her maternity leave comes to an end, while Howard worries that he did something to anger Bernadette.