Quotes from ‘The Dependence Transcendence’
The Dependence Transcendence When the guys work long hours to try finish their project for the military on time, Sheldon struggles to stay awake and turns to energy drinks to keep going. Meanwhile, Penny and Amy attend a party being thrown by Bert, the geologist, and Koothrappali helps Bernadette prepare the house - and herself - for the arrival of her baby. |
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: No, I know, but plenty of things are addictive after a single exposure. I mean, crack cocaine, nicotine, Pringles. You know, once one pops one just can't stop.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: It's pretty late. You think I've got time to run some more simulations on the cooling system?
Leonard: Sure, I'm still figuring out the thermo-acoustic expander.
Sheldon: Oh, while you do that I am going to pump cerebral spinal fluid through my brain cells to remove the metabolic by-products of the day's thoughts.
Howard: What?
Sheldon: It's called sleep and it's my bedtime. Nighty-night, y'all.
Howard: Sir, we've hit a bit of a snag. We're already behind schedule.
Sheldon: The computations required to overcome the deployability issues are more significant than we thought.
Leonard: I understand that we're under contract, and I don't know what the consequences of violating that are, but, uh we're not gonna be able to deliver in the time we promised.
Colonel Williams: (gets up and sighs) How long do you need?
Howard: We're thinking two years.
Colonel Williams: All right.
Howard: (chuckles) That's it? You're okay with that?
Colonel Williams: (scoffs) You think you're the first government contractor who isn't gonna deliver on time? We're still waiting for a big space laser Reagan ordered to beat the commies.
Quote from Raj
Bernadette: Sorry I flipped out on you. I think it's just hormones.
Raj: I think you were mean before you were pregnant, but it's fine.
Quote from Dr. Koothrappali
Bernadette: But I thought I'd be more excited.
Dr. Koothrappali: Oh, being excited isn't a guarantee of anything. Rajesh's mother was thrilled when she was pregnant with him. After he was born, she doted on his every move. And you know what happened? He broke her heart, moved halfway around the world, and dates only poor white women. So you never know.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Not every girl dreams about being a mom. Sometimes you think you're never gonna have kids and one day you wake up and you're pregnant. And it doesn't matter that your career's going great right now and that you and your husband never even got to go anywhere taped to a dog!
Quote from Penny
Bert: It makes sense you two are friends. I mean, hot girls always stick together.
Amy: And you thought this wasn't gonna be a great party.
Penny: You know, I had no idea Caltech is exactly like my high school.
Amy: Well, it's not exactly like it. We're all extremely smart.
Penny: Wow. You popular girls are mean.
Quote from Penny
Bert: Okay, well, thanks for coming by. You're nice people.
Penny: Well, so are you. In fact, you know what? We will never take you for granite. Did you get that? Granite? A little geology joke.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: I don't even know where to begin.
Raj: Well, in The Sound of Music, Julie Andrews says, "Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start."
Bernadette: Oh, I was gonna start at the end. Thank God you're here.
Quote from Penny
Penny: It's okay, I'll still go.
Leonard: You don't think you'll be bored?
Penny: Oh, I'll have some wine and listen to people go on about crap I don't understand. I mean, how is it any different than every single day of my life?
Sheldon: I won't be there.
Leonard: Look at that, it is a party!
Quote from Raj
Raj: But anyway why don't we just take a step back and start with a color? Right? There are so many amazing ones. Red, blue, green, purple-
Bernadette: Are you just gonna name all the colors?
Raj: Well, not now.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Okay, okay, so Amy's cool, Sheldon's cool. Tell me about Leonard.
Bert: Who?
Penny: Leonard Hofstadter.
Bert: Oh, him. I guess he's all right. Apparently he tricked some hot girl into marrying him.
Penny: That's me, I'm her. And you know, he didn't trick me. He just wore me down.
Quote from Raj
Bernadette: Raj, why don't I care about anything?
Raj: I'm sorry?
Bernadette: It's my baby. I should care about nurseries and colors, and I don't. What's wrong with me?
Raj: Well, crime-scene photos near your crib spring to mind.
Quote from Leonard
Howard: Why is it taking him so long to get a drink out of a vending machine?
Leonard: Oh, it's complicated. He finds pushing that little door and reaching up into the machine uncomfortably intimate.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Gentlemen, I am ready to work. To quote The Martian, "Let's science the feces out of this!" That's "The Martian" the book and "The Martian" the movie, not Marvin the Martian. Although to quote Marvin the Martian, "I claim this planet in the name of Mars."
Quote from Penny
Penny: So should we talk to each other or mingle?
Amy: I don't know where everyone is.
Penny: Yeah, I mean, I could see him eating one or two guests, but not a whole party.
Quote from Bernadette
Raj: So, what should we do today?
Bernadette: Oh, I appreciate it, but you don't have to spend your day off with me.
Raj: Well, I don't mind. Oh, you want go to the mall and look at baby stuff?
Bernadette: Not really.
Raj: Oh, come on, we could share a pretzel and get sideways glances from racist old ladies.
Bernadette: I get enough of that when I take Howard to my grandmother's for Christmas.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: Why don't you just go home?
Sheldon: No, I can do this. I just, I just need another energy drink.
Oh, no.
Leonard: What?
Sheldon: I want another one.
Leonard: So?
Sheldon: That's a craving. That's a sign of chemical dependency.
Quote from Bernadette
Raj: So, uh, instead of cleaning out the room, why don't we just decide on a theme for the nursery?
Bernadette: Does it really need one?]
Raj: Of course it does. Didn't your baby room have a theme?
Bernadette: Well, it doubled as my dad's office, and he was a cop, so I guess the theme was bloody homicide photos.
Raj: Oh. Mine was Winnie the Pooh.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: All right, I'll just toss this out to the room. Um, I was thinking that the best way to fight my addiction is by weaning myself off in steps. Now, I couldn't find a caffeine patch, but I did find what claims to be a mind-boosting caffeine suppository. Yeah, you know, there's an interesting fact about the rectum--
Leonard: Sheldon!
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: Sheldon! We are dealing with an impossible deadline from the Air Force because of you. So have an energy drink, don't have an energy drink. Order suppositories and shove 'em wherever you want, I don't care!
Sheldon: You don't shove them. They come with an easy-glide applicator.
Quote from Howard
Leonard: It's okay, we'll figure something out.
Sheldon: But what if we can't?
Leonard: It'll be fine. You'll see. Sheldon? Buddy?
*Sheldon asleep and snoring while resting on Leonard's chest*
Howard: When the baby gets here, you gotta teach me that.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Oh, I know, why don't we get started on clearing out the baby's room?
Bernadette: Isn't it a little early for that?
Raj: You have to get to it eventually.
Bernadette: Oh, there's so much junk in there, it's embarrassing.
Raj: How can you be embarrassed around me? I'm gonna be in the room with you when you give birth.
Bernadette: I don't think you are.
Raj: You didn't think I was gonna be in your kitchen this morning, yet here I am.
Quote from Bernadette
Howard: Thanks again for breakfast.
Raj: Well, I didn't get to see you last night. It was the least I could do.
Bernadette: (To Howard) You shouldn't have made the alarm code his birthday.
Quote from Amy
Penny: Oh, I'll go. I like a party.
Amy: Well, to be honest, it's not like a "party" party. It's more like a gathering where scientists of different disciplines get together to share their work and keep current on what's going on in other fields. I don't know why I called it a party, sorry.
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: I had a bad dream that my best friend became a tyrant and forced me to stay up all night to work.
Leonard: I had a good dream that when I carried you to bed, I let your head hit the wall and I laughed.
Quote from Dr. Koothrappali
Dr. Koothrappali: Hello, Rajesh. Are you calling to ask for money?
Raj: What? No.
Dr. Koothrappali: Are you calling to ask for things that cost money?
Raj: No.
Dr. Koothrappali: Great. What's up?
Quote from Dr. Koothrappali
Dr. Koothrappali: What seems to be the trouble?
Bernadette: Something's wrong. I don't care about any of the baby stuff every other mom is so into. Honestly, I'm not even sure I like babies.
Dr. Koothrappali: Look, some people are baby people, and some people are not baby people. It doesn't mean you won't love your own baby.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: Hey, hey, hey, you're not going anywhere.
Leonard: We only have two months to deliver this to the Air Force because of you.
Sheldon: (yawning) I know, I was there.
Howard: Well, wake up! We're gonna put in a lot of late nights.
Sheldon: How late?
Howard: Well, I don't know, midnight, one.
Sheldon: One o'clock? I'm not a raccoon.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: Um, I don't really know how to say this.
Colonel Williams: Well, you could try starting with "sir".
Leonard: Right. Sorry, sir.
Sheldon: He said start with it, not end with it.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: All right, pressure's off.
Howard: Wanna see a movie?
Sheldon: Popcorn's on me.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Are you okay? Oh, I'm fantastic, never been better. I had my first energy drink and I feel great. Hey, you guys want to wrestle? We can do arm, thumb, mud, sumo. Nah, we're not fat enough, or wearing diapers.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: So, what are you guys gonna do today?
Amy: Well, Sheldon was supposed to go to this party with me this afternoon, but I don't think that's happening.
Sheldon: Oh, that was never happening.
The Flash: Here, it's on the house.
Sheldon: The first one's free? Flash, how do you stay in business?
The Flash: You want to know my secret? I bought stock in Marvel.
Quote from Amy
Bert: And when Amy started using a solution of chromic acid and white vinegar to clean all her lab equipment, all of a sudden, everybody was doing it.
Penny: You trend setter!
Amy: Just the right idea at the right time.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I am cool. This is YooHoo. Chocolate milk's delicious, watery cousin.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Well, I think the first thing we should get rid of is that tone.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: If you're tired, have some coffee.
Sheldon: What? You have some coffee.
Howard: I am having coffee.
Sheldon: And look how irritable it's making you!
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: I don't think I can go much longer.
Leonard: It's been three and a half minutes, wake up!
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: Leonard, can I ask you a question?
Leonard: Is it about the rotational symmetries you should be figuring out or your fake caffeine problem?
Sheldon: Howard, can I ask you a question?
Howard: No.
Quote from Raj
Bernadette: I keep waiting to feel excited, but it's not happening. What if it never happens?
Raj: Bernadette, come on, look, you're over thinking this, okay? You're gonna be an amazing mom. Even if you don't believe it, I know you have maternal instincts.
Bernadette: Once, I was supposed to babysit my brothers. Our neighbor found them naked in the backyard eating crickets.
Raj: Happy and well-fed. You see, that's what I'm taking from that story.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: I should probably keep this in case we have a girl.
Raj: Oh, that's a nice one. Was it yours when you were little?
Bernadette: My dad built it for me.
Raj: Wow, it's so cute.
Bernadette: This was the husband and this was the wife. They'd go out on adventures together. Cruises, skiing, horseback riding. That was really me just duct taping them to our dog.
Raj: Oh, and did they have kids?
Bernadette: They did, but the mommy and daddy didn't like them, so they shipped them off to an orphanage I made out of a shoebox.
Raj: Yeah, that's not worrisome at all.
Quote from Raj
Raj: So where are we going?
Bernadette: I don't know.
Raj: Okay. How Thelma and Louise of us.
Quote from Howard
Leonard: I'm gonna get some coffee. You want some?
Sheldon: Uh, you're really going to have caffeine in front of me when I'm trying to get my life back on track?
Leonard: Uh, okay, let's pretend you do have a problem.
Sheldon: I do.
Leonard: You don't.
Sheldon: Yeah, but I do.
Leonard: No, you don't! But let's say you do. And don't say you do, because you don't! Now, wouldn't you think that throwing yourself into your work would be the best way to deal with it?
Sheldon: With what?
Leonard: Your problem.
Sheldon: I thought I didn't have a problem.
Howard: That was painful to watch.
Quote from Penny
Bert: Well, I guess this is kind of a bust. You don't have to stay. I'm gonna start cleaning up.
Penny: Okay.
Amy: I feel so bad about leaving him here.
Penny: Oh, it's funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Quote from Penny
Bert: Hey, listen, could you not say anything about this to the people at the university? You know, 'cause you're you and I'm me, and it's kind of embarrassing.
Penny: Wait, what do you mean "she's her"?
Bert: Well, you know how Amy's the coolest girl on campus, right?
Penny: No.
Amy: No.
Bert: Oh yeah, everybody thinks so.
Penny: What? You tell me about your foot fungus, but this is a secret?
Quote from Bert
Amy: Hi, Bert. This is my friend, Penny.
Penny: Hi.
Bert: Hey, come on in. I'll go turn on some rock music.
Amy: (chuckles) That's a geology joke. Bert's a geologist.
Bert: And a joker.
The Flash: But if you ever want to feel like you have superpowers, try one of these.
Sheldon: Superheroes take performance-enhancing chemicals?
The Flash: You bet. You know why Hulk is so strong? Steroids. You know why Batman wanders around at night getting into fights? Scotch.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I am facing a great deal of work. And I do like things better when famous people also like them.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: I'm clearly upset. Why aren't you following me?
Quote from Bert
Amy: I'm sure it's just 'cause I'm dating Sheldon.
Bert: Mm, actually, I think Sheldon's popular because he's dating you.