Quotes from ‘The Vacation Solution’
The Vacation Solution After Sheldon's boss forces him to use his vacation time, he decides to work at Amy's lab and discovers he may be bad at biology. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette deal with the issue of a pre-nuptial agreement. |
Quote from Penny
Howard: I'm not signing a prenup.
Penny: All right, Howard Wolowitz, listen up! You sign anything she puts in front of you, because you are the luckiest man alive. If you let her go, there is no way you can find anyone else. Speaking on behalf of all women, it is not going to happen, we had a meeting.
Quote from Leonard
Penny: So you're saying if I became a famous movie star, we got married, you wouldn't sign a pre-nup?
Leonard: Absolutely not! If I'm gonna be stuck at home with the kids while you're on location cheating on me with Ryan Gosling, then Leonard gots to get paid.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Hey, what are you guys doing here?
Howard: We're grown men, we drink at bars.
Penny: No and no. Everything okay with you and Bernadette?
Howard: Oh yeah, sure.
Penny: You and Amy? Good?
Sheldon: Oh, better than good.
Penny: You know those girls text me every detail of their lives as it happens.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Gentlemen, I think I've come up with a fun way to get young people interested in science. Physics Mad-Libs. Now, give me a number.
Leonard: Five.
Sheldon: Uh-huh. And an irrational constant.
Howard: E.
Sheldon: And a funny Greek letter.
Raj: Gamma.
Sheldon: I said funny.
Raj: Upsilon?
Sheldon: Good one. And an electrical charge.
Leonard: Positive.
Sheldon: Ha. Perfect. Okay. Get this. Professor Jones told the symposium he had a new method for calculating the mass of a muon. Five times the limit of E to the upsilon as in a ... (laughs uncontrollably) ... Okay. No, no. I'll start over. Professor ... (laughs again).
Quote from Penny
Bernadette: Oh, I don't know. I don't want to manipulate him with sex.
Penny: Oh, sweetie, that's what sex is for.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Boy, oh, boy. This vacation is off to a wonderful start. The smell of formaldehyde, the whir of the centrifuge, the distant chatter of lab animals being dispatched for dissection. Mm, I can already feel my cares just melting away.
Amy: I'm excited to work with my boyfriend. It's going to be romantic.
Sheldon: Way to kill the mood.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Oh, are we nervous, Dr. Cooper?
Sheldon: No. What you see is a man trembling with confidence.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: And just to be safe, when you talk to him don't bring up Jimmy Carter, gardeners, foreign people, homosexuals, Sean Penn, Vatican II, gun control, organic food, the designated hitter rule, recycling or the fact that you're Jewish.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: This is now the only lab with glassware washed by a man with two doctorates and a restraining order signed by Carl Sagan.
Amy: Soap spots. Wash them again.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Why don't I talk to him about it in May?
Bernadette: In May, you're gonna be on the International Space Station.
Howard: They got a phone.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: You've got the brilliant Sheldon Cooper in your lab and are going to ask him to do the dishes? That's like asking the Incredible Hulk to open a pickle jar.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active Volcano where the disappointing ending to Lost was filmed. Mahalo for nothing, Hawaii.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Sheldon, you've never worked in a lab like this before. You have no experience in the field of biology.
Sheldon: I have plenty of experience in biology. I bought a Tamagotchi in 1998. And it's still alive. Let's do this.
Quote from Penny
Penny: You know I'm a big believer in breaking bad news to a guy when you're in bed with him. That's how I told my high school boyfriend I slept with his brother. That's how I told his brother the same thing.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: I haven't seen him laugh that hard since the day Leonard made that multiplication error.
Sheldon: Oh, Oh, Lord, that multiplication error! He thought he carried the one. But he didn't.
Leonard: It's not funny. That mistake got published.
Sheldon: Stop! I'm going to wet myself!
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: Lobster traps?
Sheldon: Yes. That's how Velma and Scooby smuggled Shaggy into the old lighthouse.
Quote from Raj
Leonard: So, listen, I heard something about him. Can you keep it between us?
Raj: Ooh, gossip. When I first got here, I thought you Americans really gossiped around the water cooler. So I hung out there for, like, a month, but the only gossip I ever heard was about some creepy guy hanging out by the water cooler.
Quote from Raj
Leonard: Bernadette wants to get a pre-nup.
Raj: Oh, that's a shame, he's gonna be devastated.
Leonard: I never know what to do in these situations. Should I give him a heads-up?
Raj: Hmm. I'm gonna give you the same advice I yell at the TV when the Bachelor's handing out roses. Follow your heart.
Quote from Raj
Howard: You know what, it's not a big deal. She makes more money than me. She wants to protect her financial interests. It's completely reasonable.
Leonard; Good. That's a healthy attitude.
Howard: Yeah, actually, it's good for both of us. I have assets to protect, too.
Raj: Like what?
Howard: I've got some rare comic books. The Vespa's almost paid off. And Ma and I have a primo double cemetery plot at Mount Sinai right near the guy who played Mr. Roper on Three's Company.
Raj: Mr. Roper's dead? You can't just spring that on a guy.
Quote from Amy
Sheldon: Those are perfectly clean.
Amy: Sheldon, this beaker used to contain cerebral spinal fluid from an elephant that died of syphilis. If it is, in fact, perfectly clean, drink from it.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: 366, 367
Amy: How's it going?
Sheldon: How's counting going? When I was in kindergarten, I recited Pi to a thousand places for the school talent show. I think I got this.
Amy: Great.
Sheldon: Aw, nuts! One
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: This is preposterous. I think you're giving me these tasks because you're afraid if you give me anything meaningful to do, I'll show you up.
Amy: Really? Is that what you think?
Sheldon: Yes, that's what I think. And I'm super smart, so it's probably true.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Hey, I've been training in the field of neurobiology for 12 years. You've been here for three hours, and you've spent one of them in the bathroom.
Sheldon: I'm sorry. It takes me a while to get things going on an unfamiliar toilet.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Sheldon, I've given you the simplest things to do, and you haven't done one of them right.
Sheldon: Maybe that's because I'm not being challenged. It's the same reason Einstein failed math.
Amy: Maybe the math was too bubbly for him.
Sheldon: You think you're doing science by cutting up that brain? They could do the same thing at any Quiznos. And they'd offer to toast it for me, too.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Okay, smart guy. I'm about to remove the locus coeruleus, which is incredibly delicate work. Have at it.
Sheldon: All right. I'm no stranger to a little gray matter. Locus coeruleus. Locus coeruleus.
Amy: You're getting warmer, it is, indeed, in the brain. Hope your hands are steady. It's the width of a single hair. But this is just biology, so I'm sure it's no problem for a genius like you.
Sheldon: It's not. I'll have you know, in the field of physics, we work with particles so small, they make fat jokes about the locus coeruleus, i.e., when your locus coeruleus sits around the house, it sits around the house.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Does a locus coeruleus normally bleed that much?
Amy: No. But your thumb does.
Sheldon: Oh, dear. (Faints)
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: What happened to your thumb?
Sheldon: You know, I have ten fingers and ten toes. If I tell you a story about each one of them, we'll be here all day, let's just move on.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Ah, seeing as I'm on vacation, a pina colada seems appropriate. Extra pineapple slices, extra whipped cream, extra cherries, extra umbrellas, and, uh, hold the rum. Don't let me have too many of those.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I was kind of hoping I could continue vacationing in your laboratory. After all, I did book the whole week.
Amy: Do you honestly think you can just waltz back in here after the way you behaved yesterday?
Sheldon: I was not myself. I had lost a lot of thumb blood.
Amy: That's not an apology.
Sheldon: That is your opinion.
Quote from Amy
Amy: I want a real apology.
Sheldon: Im sorry that you weren't able to..
Amy: No.
Sheldon: That my genius...
Amy: No.
Sheldon: That the soap was...
Amy: Sheldon.
Sheldon: Fine. Sorry.
Amy: You're forgiven.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Now, if you want to stay, get started on those beakers. They're still dirty from yesterday.
Sheldon: Next year I'm going to Epcot.
Quote from Raj
Leonard: Where's Howard?
Raj: No hi, Raj? No how are you, Raj? Just straight to where's the other white guy?
Quote from Amy
Amy: Come on, Sheldon. We can be like Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, who spent their days working side by side, bathed in the glow of their love and the radium that ultimately killed her. Screw Beauty and the Beast, that's the love story Disney should tell.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: Joke all you want, but you think about it.
Penny: Well, tell you one thing, if I ever do get married, no Klingon invitations.
Leonard: Good luck catching a man with that attitude.
Quote from Penny
Penny: I think about a lot of things. I think about us getting married, I think about us breaking up. Once in a while, I think about how I didn't leave a note on that Mercedes I dinged in the parking lot last month, but then I have a glass of wine and it passes.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: Is that your laundry? You only have, like, six things in there.
Penny: Yeah, I didn't have any quarters, so I've been sneaking stuff into other people's loads all day.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Oh! I have a brilliant idea. Amy's a biologist. I'll go work in her lab.
Howard: Isn't that just Feynmans idea?
Sheldon: Ten seconds ago, you never heard of him. Now you're an expert.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: Sheldon, everybody takes vacations.
Sheldon: One time they tried to make Richard Feynman take a vacation, but he chose instead to expand his mind and learn something new. He went to work in his friends biology lab. Richard Feynman was a famous American physicist, part of the Manhattan Project.
Howard: Everyone in the world of science knows who Richard Feynman was.
Sheldon: Now you do, too.
Quote from Howard
Sheldon: It's like I'm living in a dictatorship. You must take a vacation, you must have fun, you must enjoy life.
Howard: I don't think you have a good handle on dictatorships.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: How about Florida? They've got Cape Canaveral, they've got Disney, they've got my Aunt Ida and the world's largest collection of diabetic candy. Plus, if you get sweaty enough, her plastic-covered furniture is like a flume ride.
Sheldon: My family took a trip to Florida when I was a child. A seagull stole a hot dog from me on the beach. I got the message.
Quote from Amy
Amy: You know, the connection between marriage and money is nothing new. In fact, the term wed referred to the money and livestock that the groom paid the bride's father. For example, you're adorable, intelligent and a good earner. I could conservatively see you going for at least two oxen and a goose. (To Penny) You would fetch a unicorn.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Parental pressure can be daunting. I remember the battle with my mother about shaving my legs. Last year, I finally gave in and let her do it.
Quote from Amy
Amy: This is really happening. I'm gonna be a maid of honour. I'm gonna wear a beautiful dress and walk down that aisle and, finally, I will have my special day.
Bernadette: You mean my special day?
Amy: They're gonna need an extra-large veil for somebody's head.
Quote from Bernadette
Penny: I'm so glad you talked Howard out of having your wedding invitations in Klingon.
Bernadette: Turn it over. I'm hoping my relatives think it's Hebrew.
President Siebert: Dr. Cooper, the physics department chair tells me you're refusing to take your vacation.
Sheldon: I don't need a vacation.
President Siebert: You're obligated to take one. And I'd also like you to know the most-often received suggestion in my suggestion box you installed without asking me is can Dr. Cooper take a vacation?
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Oh, President Siebert, I assume you'd like to respond to one of the suggestions I put in the box by your office.
President Siebert: No, and stop installing suggestion boxes everywhere.
Sheldon: You don't like written suggestions. You don't like when I give them to you while we're urinating in the men's room. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're one of those stubborn people who are not open to suggestions.
Quote from Leonard
Raj: Hey, guys, guys, President Siebert is headed this way.
Howard: I wonder what he wants.
Leonard: Doesn't look happy, so I'm guessing he wants to talk to Sheldon.
President Siebert: Dr. Cooper?
Leonard: Told ya.