Quotes from ‘The Holographic Excitation’
The Holographic Excitation While Raj helps Stuart with the annual Halloween party at the comic book store, Sheldon and Amy are divided over their couples costume. Meanwhile, Penny takes a greater interest in Leonard's work, while Howard's friends wish he'd stop banging on about space. |
Quote from Sheldon
Stuart: Hey. Hey, look at you guys!
Amy: I'm Raggedy Ann, and he's Raggedy C-3PO.
Sheldon: It was a compromise. I lost.
Quote from Howard
Howard: A week ago, I was an astronaut.
Bernadette: Yeah, well, today you're a Smurf! Keep moving!
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: Okay, here it is. Bernadette said you guys are all sick of me talking about my trip to space. Is that true?
Sheldon: Yes.
Raj: No.
Sheldon: We seem to have different approaches here. I was going for helpful honesty. I have no idea what you're doing.
Raj: It's called being nice.
Sheldon: Okay. If you think being nice will get him to shut up, I'll try it.
Quote from Stuart
Raj: Would you like me to help? I do have a certain je ne sais quoi when it comes to soirees.
Stuart: Thanks, but I can't afford je ne sais quoi. How much for just quoi?
Quote from Howard
Howard: (Mimicking Bernadette in a high voice) Oh Howie, stop talking about space so much. Nobody likes it.
Bernadette: (In a low voice) I don't sound like that.
Quote from Penny
Bernadette: Leonard does things he doesn't like to make you happy.
Penny: Well, yeah he's my boyfriend, isn't that like his job?
Amy: Then what's your job?
Penny: Letting him make me happy.
Quote from Amy
Sheldon: What if we were to go as dinner table favourites salt and pepper?
Amy: You know salt makes me retain water and my cousin William was ground to death in a pepper factory accident.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: There are certain things that say to the world, I have a boyfriend and he's not made up. Matching cotumes, hickeys and sex tapes. Pick one.
Sheldon: What's a hickey?
Quote from Penny
Penny: What's-what's that?
Leonard: Uh, that is an integrated ion trap and time-of-flight mass spectrometer.
Penny: Wow. High-techie-techie. What's this little box?
Leonard: That is a pencil sharpener.
Penny: Ooh, low-techie-techie.
Quote from Bernadette
Howard: To tell you the truth, I'm not really in the mood.
Bernadette: What are you talking about? It'll be fun. All your friends'll be there.
Howard: Yeah, some friends. They all think I'm boring. Maybe you should go without me.
Bernadette: No, if I'm there alone, people might think I'm just a really short person from Avatar.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: How do I look?
Howard: Fine.
Bernadette: Uh-oh, is someone a little blue? Come on, Howie, thats like the funniest thing I've ever said in my life.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: How about Raggedy Ann and Andy? I loved them growing up.
Sheldon: No, I don't think so. Those dolls represent three things I do not care for: clowns, children and raggedness. I think it's a lost cause.
Quote from Bernadette
Howard: You're my wife. You're supposed to be on my side.
Bernadette: I'm always on your side.
Howard: Then why are you trying to take this away from me? Being an astronaut is the coolest thing I'm ever gonna do. If I stop talking about it, then I'm just...
Bernadette: Just what?
Howard: Just plain old Howard Wolowitz again.
Bernadette: Plain old Howard Wolowitz is the best guy I know.
Howard: You're just saying that.
Bernadette: No, I'm not. I married him. On purpose. Come here.
Howard: I love you.
Bernadette: I love you, too.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Oh, by the way, can I borrow your bull-whip and fedora?
Howard: Yeah, sure, whatever.
Raj: I was thinking of dressing up as Indiana Jones' mocha-skinned love child, Indian Jones.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Whoa! That is very cool.
Leonard: Sometimes I like to turn this on and pretend I'm the super villain Magneto.
Penny: Getting a little less cool, Leonard.
Leonard: But what I really am is a very smart scientist who understands the mechanics of the universe and is wearing the sexy black underwear you bought him.
Penny: There we go.
Quote from Bernadette
Howard: I'm sorry. I just don't want to go.
Bernadette: Hey, I just spent the last three hours colouring myself blue. I'm gonna be washing paint out of my Smurf for a month!
Quote from Howard
Howard: What?
Bernadette: Howie, I know you went to space. I'm incredibly proud of you. But you might want to try and not bring it up every minute.
Howard: I don't talk about it every minute.
Bernadette: Tonight at dinner you went on bout it for an hour straight.
Howard: What was I supposed to talk about? We were eating at Johnny Rockets.
Quote from Howard
Howard: So, here we are, just a couple of young newlyweds. What to do? What to do to you? Astronaut Wolowitz, reporting for booty. Preparing thrusters. We have liftoff. Are we clear to jettison that nightgown?
Bernadette: Okay, we need to talk.
Quote from Bernadette
Howard: Boy, it's nice to sleep in a bed with gravity again. Did I tell you about the night my retainer floated out of my mouth and into the air lock?
Bernadette: Yeah, you mentioned it once or twice.
Quote from Howard
Leonard: Hello, boys.
Sheldon: What are you smiling at?
Leonard: Nothing.
Howard: You know where's there's a lot of nothing?
Everyone: Space.
Quote from Howard
Howard: That reminds me, I was thinking about wearing my NASA jumpsuit as a costume. But then I realized everyone would be, like, where's your costume? Why are you wearing your work clothes, you nut?
Quote from Raj
Raj: Before I forget, I'd like your opinion on the menus I've prepared for the Halloween party. The theme is "Food That Goes Bump in the Night".
Howard: "Creature from the Black Forest Ham Lagoon".
Raj: On sesame seed bunzillas.
Sheldon: "Night of the Living Garlic Bread"?
Raj: It's funny because bread sounds like dead.
Sheldon: I'm sorry, but these are just ordinary foods with the names bent into tortured puns. The dishes themselves are in no way Halloweeny.
Raj: Ooh, Hallo-weenies! That's a good one. They'll pair nicely with my "Draculoni and Cheese". How do I do it?
Quote from Penny
Leonard: And then a laser will map the reflective surface, and voila. (A floating 3-D image of the pencil appears. Leonard moves it around with his finger)
Penny: Wow. That is amazing.
Leonard: You know, there's a foundational idea in string theory that the whole universe may be a hologram.
Penny: What do you mean? (Leonard flicks a switch. The hologram changes to a view of the planet Earth). Oh, wow!
Leonard: Uh-huh. Well, the holographic principle suggests that what we all experience every day in three dimensions may really (changes projection to the solar system) just be information (changes the projection to the galaxy) on a surface located at the farthest reaches of our cosmos. (Sets the galaxy spinning) So it's possible that our lives are really just acting out a painting on the largest canvas in the universe.
Penny: Hmm.
Leonard: What?
Penny: Sometimes I forget how smart you are.
Leonard: You should visit more often.
Quote from Penny
Penny: So, what are you working on right now?
Leonard: It's actually pretty neat.
Penny: Yeah?
Leonard: Yeah. It's a front-projected holographic display combined with laser-based finger tracking. Here, I'll show you. We'll just put this pencil over here.
Penny: Sharp. Thanks to the machine we saw earlier.
Quote from Leonard
Penny: Oh, my God, you guys look adorable.
Bernadette: Thanks, so do you. Slutty cop?
Penny: No, sexy cop. Slutty cop only came with a skirt and two badges.
Bernadette: And Albert Einstein?
Leonard: Ja, und later zhe's going to arrest me for goinc fashter zan da shpeed of light.
Penny: I thought we said in the car, no accents?
Leonard: Sorry, Officer.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: A Tardis makes no sense. It's a time machine from a science-fiction show. it has nothing to do with Halloween. That being said, if you don't get a Tardis, you stink and your party stinks.
Quote from Howard
Stuart: "To Stuart, your comic book store is out of this world. Just like the guy in this picture was."
Sheldon: For the record, he also thinks Walgreens and the dry cleaners are out of this world.
Howard: That's not true. At Walgreens I was over the moon for their store-brand antacids.
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: I just think in relationships you get back what you put into them.
Amy: That's not always true. Last night, I gave Sheldon my best come-hither look, and he responded by explaining how wheat came to be cultivated.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: I think I'm gonna try green tea mixed with lemon zinger.
Sheldon: Two tea bags in one cup? You're not at a rave.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Couples costumes are one of the few benefits of being in a relationship. Now imagine this, you and I entering Stuart's party and all eyes turn to see America's most beloved and glamorous couple.
Amy: Yeah?
Sheldon: R2-D2 and C-3PO. Dibs on 3PO.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: How about one of the most beguiling and influential couples of the 20th century? Hewlett and Packard. Dibs on Hewlett.
What? You want to be Hewlett?
Quote from Leonard
Penny: So, what ya doing? Better not be building a robot girlfriend.
Leonard: No. Although Howard was making some real strides in that area until he met Bernadette.
Penny: You're kidding.
Leonard: Nope. Now the Lisatronic 3000 just sits in a box waiting for the phone to ring.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: It's kind of crazy. I've never fooled around in the lab before.
Penny: Really? Never?
Leonard: No. I did have a shot with the Lisatronic, but the extension cord wasn't long enough.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: Oh, you don't have any jewelry on, do you?
Penny: No. Why?
Leonard: A grad student forgot to take out one of his piercings. Now he's on a transplant list waiting for a nipple his size.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: Oh, no, no, no, don't look in there.
Penny: What, is it secret?
Leonard: No, it's a nitrogen laser. It'll cook your eyeball like a soft-boiled egg.
Penny: Oh. You might want to put a sign on it.
Leonard: Sign right there.
Penny: Ah. Danger. Sure, sure.
Quote from Stuart
Raj: Hey, Stuart, I see you're getting ready for your Halloween party.
Stuart: Yeah, it's my annual attempt to meet women. Ninth time's the charm.
Quote from Raj
Raj: You know, you don't worry about money. Ill take care of everything.
Stuart: Really?
Raj: Yeah, youll love it. Ain't no party like a Koothra-party.
Quote from Howard
Howard: But you know what wasn't a party? That hotel in Kazakhstan they put you up in before the launch. I mean, it's your last night on Earth. You'd think you'd get one porn channel.
Leonard: Have you noticed that Howard can take any topic and use it to remind you that he went to space?
Sheldon: Interesting hypothesis. Let's apply the scientific method, perform an experiment.
Leonard: Okay. Hey, Howard, any thoughts on where we should get dinner?
Howard: Anywhere but the Space Station. On a good day, dinner was a bag full of meat loaf. But, hey, you dont go there for the food, you go there for the view.
Sheldon: It's fascinating. Let me see if I can duplicate the result. Howard, I've always thought the lemon was an underrated fruit. Care to weigh in?
Howard: Not really.
Sheldon: Oh, well.
Howard: You know, people say the Soyuz capsule was a lemon. But, hey, that baby got me to space and back.
Quote from Penny
Amy: Ladies night at the Cheesecake Factory. Does it get any better than this?
Penny: I hope so.
Amy: Question. Do you think your husband's fondness for turtlenecks is an expression of longing for his missing foreskin?
Penny: It's not getting any better.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Ugh, it's Leonard. He wants to go costume shopping later.
Bernadette: I thought you liked Halloween.
Penny: I do, it's just he wants to go to that party at the comic book store. A lot of the guys that hang out there are kind of creepy.
Bernadette: Like my husband?
Amy: And my boyfriend?
Penny: I'm-I'm sorry. Amy, you were saying something about Howard's foreskin?
Quote from Penny
Penny: I guess I could probably try a little harder.
Bernadette: You could start by taking an interest in his work.
Penny: Yeah, that's kind of a problem.
Amy: Why?
Penny: Not really clear on what he does.
Bernadette: He's an experimental physicist.
Penny: Yeah, I'm not really clear on what that means.
Amy: He takes hypotheses and designs protocols to determine their accuracy.
Penny: Yeah, you're really just making it worse.
Quote from Amy
Amy: So, listen, Sheldon, I was thinking, since this is gonna be our first Halloween party as boyfriend and girlfriend, I thought it might be fun for us to go in a couples costume.
Sheldon: I couldn't agree more.
Amy: Really? I find that inconsistent with everything I know about you.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Sheldon, when I said couples costume, I meant like Romeo and Juliet or Cinderella and Prince Charming, not two robots from some silly movie I don't even like.
Sheldon: Okay, I'm gonna let that slide because I know you're hopped up on tea bags.