Big Bang Theory Quote 11836
Quote from President Siebert in the episode The Inspiration Deprivation
Ms. Davis: President Siebert, would you like to start?
President Siebert: [clears throat] This is all my fault. I assumed you knew the Nobel Prize was good and we wanted to win it, so that's on me.
‘The Inspiration Deprivation’ Quotes
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Why do you want to ride that stupid thing anyway?
Howard: I don't know. Maybe I just miss the freedom I had as a younger man.
Bernadette: What freedom? You lived with your mother. You had a curfew.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: This is a twist. Usually you're the one getting called into H.R.
Raj: Yeah, now it's Amy. Who knew you were married to such a bad girl.
Sheldon: I suppose the signs were always there. I mean, she did recently go to that rave at the mall.
Amy: It was a Spencer's Gifts.
Sheldon: There was music and a strobe light. If that isn't a rave, then I don't know what one is.
Leonard: You don't know what one is.
Quote from Howard
Amy: Guys, come on, I think I'm in trouble.
Howard: It's no big deal. I used to get called into H.R. all the time. Ms. Davis is great. Pro tip: if you find strong women sexy, do not say it out loud.