Big Bang Theory Quote 1334

Quote from Penny in the episode The Gothowitz Deviation

Penny: I think we'll pass.
Howard: Oh, is the Mrs speaking for the couple now?
Leonard: In this case, you bet she is.

 Penny Quotes

Quote from the episode The Panty Pinata Polarization

Sheldon: Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.
Penny: Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie.

Quote from the episode The Itchy Brain Simulation

Leonard: If I take it off, Sheldon wins.
Penny: Sweetie, every night you don't kill him in his sleep, he wins.

Quote from the episode The Commitment Determination

Leonard: What am I supposed to do?
Penny: Err, keep your mouth off other women.

 ‘The Gothowitz Deviation’ Quotes

Quote from Sheldon

Penny: I give up. He's impossible.
Sheldon: I can't be impossible; I exist. I think what you meant to say is, 'I give up; he's improbable'.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: You know, I've always wanted to go to a goth nightclub.
Howard: Really?
Sheldon: Bazinga! You never see any of my practical jokes coming, do you?

Quote from Sheldon

Leonard: I'm just saying, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
Sheldon: You catch even more with manure, what's your point?