Big Bang Theory Quote 3277
Quote from Raj in the episode The Locomotive Manipulation
Raj: Oh my God, Cinnamon, are you okay? I can't believe you two (Leonard & Penny). (To the vet) You do whatever it takes to save her life. If she needs any new organs I'll buy any dog necessary and scrap them for parts!
Raj Quotes
Quote from the episode The Clean Room Infiltration
Raj: Amy, good luck getting these guys excited about a dinner with a theme. I gave up when no one cared about my Tom Hanks-Giving.
Quote from the episode The Santa Simulation
Raj: Oh man, first monster I see I'm gonna sneak up behind him, whip out my wand and shoot my magic all over his ass!
Stuart: Do you hear yourself when you say these things?
Quote from the episode The Santa Simulation
Raj: Doesn't anyone have a rod of resurrection? Because if you've got one, I need it bad. Get in here with your rod and give it to me.
Stuart: Okay, you need to say these things in your head before you say them out loud.
‘The Locomotive Manipulation’ Quotes
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: I don't know what made me think tonight would be any different.
Bernadette: Well just the fact you got him up here says a lot. To be honest, I bet Howie $200 that it wasn't going to happen.
Howard: I'm going to the Lego Store to get a big-ass R2D2.
Bernadette: See, it's not just Sheldon, they're all idiots.
Howard: She's right.
Quote from Amy
Sheldon: What is your problem?
Amy: It's Valentine's day. We're supposed to be having a romantic weekend.
Sheldon: Oh, really? 'cause I remember you saying this trip was going to be something we could both enjoy. Did you mean that or were you just trying to trick me?
Amy: Fine, it's true. I deserve romance and I didn't know how else to make it happen.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: I'm not sure it's a good idea to take Penny to where wine comes from.