Big Bang Theory Quote 6371
Quote from Leonard in the episode The Fermentation Bifurcation
Penny: Hey, you ready to go?
Leonard: Hang on.
Penny: What are you doing?
Leonard: Oh, I found a scratch-and-sniff book about wine tasting. It teaches the different flavor notes to look for.
Penny: You actually smell the wine?
Leonard: I mostly just smell my nasal spray.
Penny: Are your sinuses acting up?
Leonard: Since my preschool got a bunny.
Leonard Quotes
Quote from the episode The Conjugal Conjecture
Leonard: Penny, as a scientist, my job is to figure out why things happen. But I don't think I'll ever understand how someone like me could get to be with someone like you. You know maybe I don't need to understand it, I just need to be grateful. I love you, Penny.
Quote from the episode The Desperation Emanation
Leonard: What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?
Sheldon: Screwed?
Leonard: There you go.
Quote from the episode The Graduation Transmission
Leonard: My point is, while you're spending all this time on your own, building computers or practicing your cello, what you're really doing is becoming interesting. When people finally do notice you, they're gonna find someone a lot cooler than they thought. And for those of you that were popular in high school, it's over, sorry. Thank you. Congratulations.
‘The Fermentation Bifurcation’ Quotes
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Well, it makes perfect sense. Because you're an expectant mother, you can't drink alcohol. I don't like to. You can't have sushi. I don't like to. You can't go in hot tubs. I consider them vats of sweaty people soup.
Bernadette: Gee, Sheldon, I dont know.
Sheldon: Oh, come on. Roller coasters, caffeine, runny eggs, I've been avoiding these things all my life. And now, because you're pregnant, you have to.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: Hey, did you ever think about the military applications for the guidance system?
Sheldon: Of course.
Leonard: Does it bother you?
Sheldon: No, it did at first. But then I talked it through with Frank and Alicia, and they really helped put things into perspective.
Leonard: Who are these people?
Sheldon: Leonard, friends are like toilet paper. It's good to have extras under the sink.
Quote from Zack Johnson
Raj: Hey, dude, you're killing me with Claire.
Zack: What are you talking about?
Raj: I mean, come on, look at you. You're classically handsome, you've got a swimmer's body. Next to you, I look like me.