Message from the co-creator Posted November 17, 2007
We have a message from Bill Prady, co-creator of The Big Bang Theory, on the issue of the writers strike and how fans can help the writers get a fair deal and new episodes back on air.
A message to the fans of "The Big Bang Theory".
First, let me take this opportunity to say how much we appreciate the support and enthusiasm you guys have for the show. Right now, more than anything, what we'd like to be doing is writing and producing more episodes. Unfortunately, the studios and networks refusal to negotiate with the writers has, as you know, led to a strike. There are some positive developments recently, including the companies' announcement that they are now willing to start talking to the writers after Thanksgiving. We're hopeful.
In the meantime, there's something important you should know. In this struggle, the companies don't feel that the fans should have a voice. The writers disagree. You, after all, are who we write for. It's important that the companies know how many of you there are and how strongly you want your shows back.
There have been a number of fan proposals we've seen - ideas for ways fans can have a symbolic impact. One that appeals to us is the campaign to send pencils to the heads of the companies - by the truckload! Maybe with a message like, "here are pencils, now get our writers back!".
The website has a link called "Pencils to Moguls" that will let you send pencils - a buck for a box of twelve - that will be delivered by the truckload. And let's make that a lot of truckloads!
Send them a message. Let them know what the writers know: the fans matter!
Hopefully this will all be over soon and we can get back to making "The Big Bang Theory"!
Bill Prady
"The Big Bang Theory".
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