Big Bang Theory Quote 4009

Quote from Penny in the episode The Misinterpretation Agitation

Penny: You know, maybe if fashion magazines had female scientists in them, I would have become a theoretical physicist. Stop smirking at each other!

 Penny Quotes

Quote from the episode The Cooper Extraction

Raj: [to Amy] If you were having Sheldon's baby, would you really want him in the room?
Penny: Yeah, if he's in the room when they're making the baby, I'll give you $10.

Quote from the episode The Panty Pinata Polarization

Sheldon: Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.
Penny: Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie.

Quote from the episode The Leftover Thermalization

Penny: I mean, who even reads Scientific American?
Leonard: It's kind of a big deal.
Penny: If it's such a big deal, how come the biggest celebrity they could get for the cover is a molecule?

 ‘The Misinterpretation Agitation’ Quotes

Quote from other character

Penny: You locked them in your basement?
Dr. Lorvis: Well, they're not locked in. The door just sticks.
Penny: Okay, so how do they unstick it?
Dr. Lorvis: They'd need the key.

Quote from other character

Penny: Okay, you can't just go chasing after every girl who's nice to you.
Dr. Lorvis: Well, that's not what Sheldon says, and he seems to know his way around the ladies.

Quote from Sheldon

Leonard: Wow, Donkey Kong. This was my game when I was a kid.
Sheldon: Because it's a story of a pretty blonde girl tirelessly pursued by a small oddly-shaped man?