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Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Amy: Gentlemen, as much as I'm sure Sheldon would enjoy playing intergalactic make-believe, he and I have other plans. We are attending my Aunt Flora's 93rd birthday party. Sheldon: Just tell her I can't come. Amy: She'll be disappointed if we don't show up. Sheldon: She's 93. She won't be disappointed for very long.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: I always thought if I were enslaved, it would be by an advanced species from another planet. Not some hotsie-totsie from Glendale.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Leonard: Hey, Sheldon, clear your weekend. Starting Saturday morning, Star Wars marathon.
Raj: Woo-hoo!
Sheldon: Movies or video games? Or board game? Or trading card games? Or Lego's? Or dress up? Or comic books? Or dramatic readings of novelizations? Yes to all!
Leonard: We are going to play the online game.
Sheldon: The online game? Bully!

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: Amy, the relationship agreement was not designed for either one of us to get our way.
Amy: You use it to get your way.
Sheldon: I use it to get the right way. The fact that the right way is also my way is a happy coincidence.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: What else?
Stuart: Hmm. Oh, have this collectors edition Batman utility belt. Maybe she can use it as a wearable pill caddy.
Sheldon: Well, she'd just look silly wearing that without the rest of the costume.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: No, Leonard, go ahead and mock. Like my daddy always said, Shelly, women aren't anything but flippin pains in the bottom.
Leonard: That's what your father used to say?
Sheldon: Well, I took out the bad words and the yeehaw, but you get the gist.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: All right, then, I have no choice but to go on to plan B.
Penny: What's that?
Sheldon: I'm going to run around outside with a wet head and try to catch a cold.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Amy: You sure you're okay with this?
Sheldon: Yes. I decided to find a way that I could have this experience and enjoy it.
Amy: Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Sheldon: Oh, don't thank me. Thank wireless technology. I realized, I can go to your aunt's awful party and still spend the whole day gaming with my friends.
Amy: Sheldon, my relatives are going to want to talk to you, and youre going to be sitting there playing a game? Isn't that a little rude?
Sheldon: Oh, I got that covered. Headset. I won't hear a word the old geezers are saying.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Amy: You know, if playing that game is more important to you than honoring your commitment to me, and you don't mind me showing up at a party all by myself after I've already told everybody I'll be bringing somebody, then, fine. Go home and play your game.
Sheldon: Thanks. Ooh, listen, I wouldn't mind a piece of birthday cake, provided the old gal's candle blow is clean and dry.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Leonard: All right, I think we got them all. Let's divide up the loot.
Bernadette: Ooh, look at this pretty purple robe I just got. You should put on yours and then we'll match.
Howard: But I worked hard to get this Armour.
Bernadette: Sorry, I just thought it'd be nice if people knew we were a couple.
Howard: Fine, I'll change.
Sheldon: (whip sound app) Ha-ha.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: That is the most sickeningly sweet thing I have ever experienced. And I am sipping Kool-Aid through a Red Vine.

Quote from the episode The Weekend Vortex

Sheldon: I think I understand. You're the one person who can say Sheldon Cooper is your boyfriend, but that rings hollow if you can't lord him over others in the flesh. I forget what I bring to the party and what I take away when I leave. Please accept these valuable Cooper Coupons as restitution.
Penny: Sheldon, she doesn't want your stupid…
Amy: Ooh, Science Center. Redeeming. Let's go.
Sheldon: Well played, Amy Farrah Fowler. Let me get my coat. (Whip sound) Oh, grow up, Leonard.

Quote from the episode The Werewolf Transformation

Penny: Where are you going?
Sheldon: Wherever the music takes me, kitten.

Quote from the episode The Werewolf Transformation

Sheldon: I play bongos while walking down the stairs.
*Sheldon falls*
Sheldon: Never play bongos while walking down the stairs

Quote from the episode The Werewolf Transformation

Sheldon: Bongo solo!

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