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Quote from the episode The Euclid Alternative

Sheldon: Excuse me, but I have some concerns about these questions.
DMV Worker: Look at that sign up there.
Sheldon: Yes?
DMV Worker: Does it say I give a damn?
Sheldon: No.
DMV Worker: That's because I don't.

Quote from the episode The Euclid Alternative

Sheldon: (To the cleaning ladies) You saw nothing!

Quote from the episode The Euclid Alternative

Sheldon: Maybe if I turn off the nightlight, I can keep the sheets.

Quote from the episode The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem

Ramona: Didn't a great man once say, "Science demands nothing less than the fervent and unconditional dedication of our entire lives."?
Sheldon: He did.
Ramona: And who was that great man?
Sheldon: Me. Sorry, Leonard.
Leonard: Seriously? You're not coming?
Sheldon: You heard her. How can I argue with me?

Quote from the episode The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem

Sheldon: (To Penny) Apparently, I'm in some kind of relationship, and, well, you seem to be an expert at ending them.
Penny: Excuse me?
Sheldon: I see man after man leaving this apartment never to return.
Penny: Okay, first of all, it is not man after man.

Quote from the episode The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem

Leonard: Sheldon lives in fear of the three-tined forks.
Sheldon: Three tines is not a fork. Three tines is a trident. Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the seven seas.

Quote from the episode The Justice League Recombination

Raj: Water Demon.
Howard: Ice Dragon.
Leonard: Lesser Warlord of Kaa.
Sheldon: Not so fast. Infinite Sheldon.
Leonard: Infinite Sheldon?
Sheldon: Yes, Infinite Sheldon defeats all other cards and does not violate the rule against homemade cards because I made it at work.
Leonard: Do you understand why people dont want to play with you?
Sheldon: No, although its a question Ive been pondering since preschool.

Quote from the episode The Middle-Earth Paradigm

Leonard: What's this?
Sheldon: Tea. it's costumary to serve hot beverages when one is in emotional distress. [pats Leonard's head] There there. You want to talk about it?
Leonard: No.
Sheldon: Thank godness. 'There there' was really all I had.

Quote from the episode The Justice League Recombination

Koothrappali: Oh, great. No Superman, no Wonder Woman? All we've got is a skinny Flash, an Indian Aquaman, a near-sighted Green Lantern, and a teeny, tiny Dark Knight.
Sheldon: Obviously, we're no longer a Justice League. We have no choice but to switch to our Muppet Baby costumes.
Koothrappali: Ooh, I call Kermit.
Sheldon: I'm Kermit. You're Scooter.
Koothrappali: Oh, man. Scooter sucks. He's the Aquaman of the Muppet Babies.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Algorithm

Sheldon: "Gerry the Gerbil and the bully boys on the bus." Read it, not helpful.

Quote from the episode The Isolation Permutation

Sheldon: The two of you need to get your women in line!
Leonard: What?
Sheldon: Last night, I was strong armed into an evening of harp music and spooning with an emotional Amy Farrah Fowler. This on a night that I had originally designated for solving the space time geometry in higher spin gravity and building my Lego death star. And why? Because your gal pals, Penny and Bernadette, went out shopping for some wedding nonsense without Amy. An action they took with no thought or regard as to how it would affect me, the future of string theory, or my Lego fun time!
Howard: What do you want us to do about it?
Sheldon: You clearly weren't listening to my topic sentence. Get your women in line! You make them apologize to Amy and set things right. I am a man of science, not someone's snuggle bunny!
Leonard: Why do I have to talk to Penny? She's not my girlfriend.
Sheldon: You invited her to lunch four years ago. Everything about her is on you. You make it so!

Quote from the episode The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization

Sheldon: Look at me, look at me, I've got goosebumps.

Quote from the episode The Grasshopper Experiment

Sheldon: Okay, I know you're texting about me and I'd really like you to stop.

Quote from the episode The Grasshopper Experiment

Sheldon: (On the phone) This is Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Yeah, I need to cancel my membership to the planetarium. Yeah, well, I'm sorry too, but there's just no room for you in my wallet. No, I understand, but it was between you and the Museum of Natural History, and frankly, you don't have dinosaurs. Oh, I'll miss you too. Bye-bye.

Quote from the episode The Grasshopper Experiment

Sheldon: Damn you,!
Leonard: Problem?
Sheldon: The online description was completely misleading. They said 8 slots plus removable ID. To any rational person, that would mean room for nine cards. But they don't tell you the removable ID takes up one slot. It's a nightmare!

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