Quotes from ‘The Monster Isolation’
The Monster Isolation After his date walks out on him, Koothrappali withdraws from the world and hides out in his apartment. Meanwhile, Penny's acting skills impress Sheldon when he sees her in a play. |
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: She's remarkable.
Leonard: She really is.
Sheldon: How is it that she can remember all those lines, yet as a waitress she can't remember no tomato on my hamburger?
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: It smells pretty ripe in here. You kinda feel it in your eyes.
Quote from Raj
Raj: My heart is stone. From now on, I'm a monk. I renounce all worldly pleasures. Except for lobster. And garlic butter.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: *knock*.
Penny: Hey, what's up?
Sheldon: Ummmm.
Penny: You want me to close the door so you can do your knocking thing?
Quote from Raj
Lucy: I'm kind of broken.
Raj: That's great. I'm broken, too.
Lucy: Oh, no you're not.
Raj: Oh, I totally am. If it wasn't for this beer, I couldn't even talk to you right now. I'm a wreck. There are many things seriously wrong with me. And not quirks, either. Like diagnosable psychological problems. Maybe brain damage.
Lucy: Well how do I know you're not just saying that?
Raj: Go out with me on one date. I promise you, you'll see.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Yeah, yeah, you want a cigarette. Well, I'd like a normal boyfriend. Deal with it.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I haven't seen Raj in several days. Is he no longer part of our social group? And if so, should we be interviewing for a replacement? Perhaps this time we go Latin.
Quote from Howard
Howard: He's just decided that he'll never leave his apartment ever again.
Sheldon: Oh, good, I've been itching to pull that trigger.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Smells ripe in here. You can kinda feel it in your eyes.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Hello, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Welcome to Sheldon Cooper presents Fun with Flags. My apologies that this episode is coming late. I did shoot one last week in honor of Black History month, but I was informed by my roommate that my spot-on portrayal of George Washington Carver could be considered "wildly racist".
Quote from Amy
Leonard: So, Amy, what's going on with your addiction study?
Amy: Sadly, I'm no longer associated wtih that project.
Leonard: Why? What happened.
Amy: Typical bureaucratic nonsense. You can get animals addicted to a harmful substance, you can dissect their brains, but you throw their own faeces back at them and suddenly you're unprofessional.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Raj is a proud, passionate man. If you go running out on him again, you're only gonna get like three of four more chances before you are history.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: He's upset because he can't get anywhere with women.
Sheldon: Would it help if I gave him some pointers?
I'm just funnin' ya.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: He's just decided he's never leaving his apartment again.
Sheldon: Oh, brilliant. I've been itching to pull that trigger.
Quote from Raj
Leonard: Yeah, you can't stay in your apartment for the rest of your life.
Raj: Why not? With online shopping and overnight delivery, I can get anything I want. Look, I just ordered a case of Dinty Moore beef stew and two live lobsters on Amazon.
Quote from Raj
Howard: We were worried about you.
Raj: Oh, just because I've stopped going to work and answering my phone, you think something bad has happened. Maybe something good happened.
Bernadette: Did something good happen?
Raj: Of course not. Nothing good ever happens.
Quote from Leonard
Howard: I'm telling you, something is wrong. I can always feel it when Raj is in trouble.
Bernadette: Geez, how close were you guys before we got married?
Leonard: Don't look under that rock.
Quote from Sheldon
Penny: Let's try it again, and maybe this time, you could work on your body language a bit. You know, when you're all hunched like that, you're shutting the audience out, but when you're relaxed and open, you're inviting them in.
Sheldon: Right. And which one do I want?
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: What's wrong?
Penny: I just think it might look more natural if you talked to me instead of the camera. You know, like a real conversation. It's something we work on in my acting class.
Sheldon: Interesting. A few people in the comments section have said that my delivery is robotic. Perhaps that's not the compliment it sounds like.