Big Bang Theory Quote 2010
Quote from other character in the episode The Vartabedian Conundrum
Leonard: Maybe, it's a lingering bacterial infection from all those childhood toilet swirlies.
Sheldon: Is that possible? I used to get those all the time. Even in church.
Stephanie: Well, you know, if it is from a swirly, there's something I can do, okay. Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you have a cootie shot.
‘The Vartabedian Conundrum’ Quotes
Quote from Leonard
Stephanie: I don't see anything at all, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Well, you're the doctor, but I am constantly hearing this annoying sound.
Leonard: Me too.
Sheldon: Is it a high frequency whistle?
Leonard: No, it's more of a relentless, narcissistic drone.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: Don't you think if a woman was living with me I'd be the first one to know about it?
Penny: Oh, sweetie, you'd be the last one to know about it.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I trust Leonard satisfied you sexually last night.
Leonard: Oh good God! Sheldon we don't ask questions like that!
Sheldon: I heard you ask it over and over. How is it inappropriate for me to ask it once?
Stephanie: He did very nicely.
Sheldon: See? She's not offended. And now you finally have an answer.