Big Bang Theory Quote 3417
Quote from Wil Wheaton in the episode The 21-Second Excitation
Wil Wheaton: He's got the movie. Get him!
Wil Wheaton Quotes
Quote from the episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
Wil Wheaton: Game over, Moonpie.
Quote from the episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
Wil Wheaton: Did that guy just say "Revenge is a dish best served cold" to me in Klingon?
Quote from the episode The Wheaton Recurrence
Wil Wheaton: Hey look, they named their team after me!
‘The 21-Second Excitation’ Quotes
Bernadette: Besides, Penny and I are having a girl's night tonight.
Amy: Girls night, what does that entail?
Bernadette: Oh you know, girls get together hang out share girl talk.
Amy: I'm a girl.
Bernadette: Oh well maybe you could join us. I'll ask Penny.
Amy: No need, Penny and I are very close.
Leonard: You are?
Amy: Yes, In fact our mensies are synchronized.
Quote from Howard
Penny: Okay, help me out here. How does an archaeology professor get that good with a whip?
Howard: Maybe he took a class at the adult bookstore. That's how I learned.