Big Bang Theory Quote 4315

Quote from Howard in the episode The Extract Obliteration

Sheldon: Earlier today, I invited Professor Stephen Hawking to join me in the popular online game Words with Friends. Moments ago, he accepted my request. Do you understand what that means?
Howard: That somewhere right now Stephen Hawking is saying, "Damn it, I mean to click no."

 Howard Quotes

Quote from the episode The Tangerine Factor

Howard: You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin.
Sheldon: Why?
Howard: Once you're fluent, you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.

Quote from the episode The Fortification Implementation

Josh: So, I have to ask, was the robot sexy?
Howard: It was actually just a mechanical hand.
Josh: 'Cause that's all you need, right?
Howard: You are my brother.

Quote from the episode The Proton Displacement

Sheldon: Sheldon Cooper does not cry.
Howard: That's true, you'd rust.

 ‘The Extract Obliteration’ Quotes

Quote from Sheldon

Leonard: I did a bad thing.
Sheldon: Does it affect me?
Leonard: No.
Sheldon: Then suffer in silence.

Quote from Sheldon

Stephen Hawking: What does Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common? They both suck.

Quote from Sheldon

Sheldon: Steven Hawking's a genius and he talks like a robot. It's everything I ever wanted in a friend.