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Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Sheldon: Bailment describes a relationship in common law where a physical possession of personal property, or chattels, is transferred from one person, the bailor, to another person, the bailee.
Penny: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, look, look. I started a business.
Sheldon: Obviously, not a cleaning business.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Penny: Sheldon, don't you get it? If this takes off, I won't have to be a waitress anymore.
Sheldon: But then who will bring me my cheeseburger on Tuesday nights?
Penny: Another waitress.
Sheldon: What's her name?
Penny: I don't know.
Sheldon: And you're going to let her handle my food?
Penny: Nancy. Her name is Nancy.
Sheldon: I think you're just making that up.
Penny: Sheldon, I'm sorry about your hamburger, okay? I just don't want to be a waitress for the rest of my life.
Sheldon: Cheeseburger. I get a cheeseburger.
Penny: Fine, cheeseburger.
Sheldon: Maybe I'd be better off with Nancy.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Sheldon: All right, ten dollars a day times five days a week, times 52 weeks a year is two thousand six hundred dollars.
Penny: That's all?
Sheldon: Before taxes.
Penny: Well, I don't have to pay taxes on this stuff.
Sheldon: I believe the Internal Revenue Service would strongly disagree.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Sheldon: Just to be clear here, you're asking for my assistance.
Penny: Yes.
Sheldon: And you understand that will involve me telling you what to do?
Penny: I understand.
Sheldon: And you're not allowed to be sarcastic or snide to me while I'm doing so.
Penny: Okay.
Sheldon: Good. Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up to this point is wrong.
Penny: Oh, imagine that.
Sheldon: Sarcasm. Good-bye.
Penny: No, sorry. Wait, please come back.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Leonard: Are you thinking about adding a desiccant like calcium sulphate?
Howard: Actually, I'm thinking about this one stripper named Vega. But sure, calcium sulphate could work.
Sheldon: Let's think out of the box for a moment. How about a molecular sieve?
Leonard: Oh!
Penny: I've got a spaghetti strainer in the kitchen.
Sheldon: Wow.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Sheldon: I believe I'm hearing some negativity on the factory floor.
Penny: So?
Sheldon: Penny, the labor force is a living organism that must be carefully nurtured. Any counterproductive grumbling must be skilfully headed off by management. Observe. Hey! Less talk, more work!
Penny: Nicely done.
Sheldon: Thank you. You hear any union talk, you let me know.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Leonard: Sheldon, we still have 380 of these things to make.
Sheldon: I have complete faith that you will make them. Good night.
Penny: Leonard?
Leonard: Yeah, no. But, Sheldon, without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail.
Sheldon: You're right, of course.

Quote from the episode The Work Song Nanocluster

Penny: Here, this will help.
Sheldon: Very well, but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics, you're going to have to answer to my mother.

Quote from the episode The Countdown Reflection

Sheldon: Thank you for the invitation, but I have to decline because it doesn't sound like something I'll enjoy.
Leonard: Come on, Sheldon, it'll be fun.
Sheldon: That's what you said about The Green Lantern movie. You were 114 minutes of wrong.

Quote from the episode The Countdown Reflection

Howard: So, we have the where and the when, but we still need to figure out who's going to do the ceremony.
Penny: Well, that's easy. Anyone can go online and get ordained as a minister. I know a piercing parlor where for a hundred bucks they'll marry you and stick a wedding ring through any body part you want.
Bernadette: Great, well, who's it going to be?
Sheldon: I'll do it, provided I can perform the ceremony in Klingon.
Bernadette: No.
Sheldon: What do you see in her?

Quote from the episode The Hawking Excitation

Sheldon: Leonard, do you recall when I said that I was going to revolutionize humanity's understanding of the Higgs boson particle, and you said, Sheldon, it's two a.m., get out of my bedroom?
Leonard: Like it was ten hours ago. What about it?
Sheldon: Well, I believe I've done it. And I'm only saying believe to sound modest, because, sweet Sam Houston, I did it.

Quote from the episode The Hawking Excitation

Sheldon: All right, so this particle here is the boson moving forward in time. Now, I was thinking Howard, you go ahead and eat. This isn't going to make any sense to you.
Howard: Sheldon, I have a working understanding of physics.
Sheldon: Yeah, good for you, and don't stop working on it.

Quote from the episode The Hawking Excitation

Sheldon: Please, please, please let me meet Hawking.
Howard: I told you, no.
Sheldon: But I said I'm sorry.
Howard: No, you said, would it help if I said I'm sorry?
Sheldon: And you never answered me. So who owes whom an apology now?

Quote from the episode The Hawking Excitation

Sheldon: Do you understand how important Hawking is to me? When I was six years old, I dressed up as him for Halloween.
Howard: You're kidding.
Sheldon: No, sir. No, I took my dad's desk chair, attached a Speak & Spell to it and made my sister push me up and down the block to trick or treat. Granted most people thought I was R2-D2, but still, I got a lot of candy.

Quote from the episode The Hawking Excitation

Sheldon: Okay, look, how about this? Just give him my paper on the Higgs boson. If he sees the incredible breakthrough I've made, he'll reach out to me.
Leonard: What if he doesn't?
Sheldon: He will, he's really smart.

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