Quotes from ‘The Confidence Erosion’
The Confidence Erosion Sheldon and Amy take the stress out of wedding planning with the application of decision theory. Meanwhile, Koothrappli ends his friendship with Howard when he realizes that his best friend's put downs are harming his confidence. |
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I mean, it's not that I think we're living in sin, but I do like the idea that our next act of intimacy will be a legal requirement.
Quote from Howard
Sheldon: Neither of them will be the actual cake. I'm just using it as a bargaining chip to get Amy to agree to the whole wedding party getting rings and us getting one ring to rule them all.
Howard: I forget, which mental hospital are you guys registered at?
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Maybe we should just get married at City Hall and forget about everything else.
Sheldon: City Hall, hmm. I do like metal detectors and the sound of permits being denied.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Look, I I can see you're upset, but I'm gonna need some ground rules. I mean, while we're apart, can I see other needy Indian men?
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Sorry, but when you make a discovery like this, you don't just take it down to City Hall. You tell the whole world. And so I'll say it in Latin or Klingon or smoke signals, if that's not cultural appropriation.
Amy: It is.
Sheldon: Okay, so not smoke signals.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I want a real wedding.
Amy: Well, Sheldon, it was just making us fight.
Sheldon: I know. But, Amy, I never thought I'd want to marry anyone. So the fact that I found you is astonishing. It's-it's like finding dark matter, except they're looking for dark matter. I wasn't even looking for you. S-So you're even better than dark matter.
Amy: (chuckles) Sheldon.
Sheldon: Plus, plus, you interact with light, so I can see you. And, also, you don't account for the missing mass in the universe. Oh, and-
Amy: Okay, I think you're getting caught up on the ways I'm not like dark matter.
Sheldon: Right. Sorry.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: Hey, what's going on with your hair?
Raj: Uh, nothing. I just decided to stop straightening it.
Penny: Wait, so you were making your hair look like that on purpose?
Raj: When I first moved to America, I wanted to fit in. And Howard's hair was straight, and he was the coolest person I knew.
Penny: Then you never saw any other people?
Quote from Amy
Amy: I can't believe we're doing this.
Sheldon: I know. I'm getting married. The new Star Wars movie's coming out. We are really finishing this year strong.
Amy: Okay, but of the two of tho- You know, I'm not even gonna ask. I'm not gonna ask.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Can you believe it? We're about to walk in that door, Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fowler, and walk out as a married couple, Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fowler.
Quote from Amy
Sheldon: You know, we did get dressed up and come all the way to City Hall.
Amy: What are you thinking?
Sheldon: I have always wanted a permit to dispose of hazardous waste.
Amy: Let's do it.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Should we go congratulate him?
Sheldon: I'll do better than that, I'll give him constructive criticism.
Amy: Here's some constructive criticism: don't.
Quote from Stuart
Howard: I had a falling out with Raj. He said I make fun of him too much and it's wrecked his confidence.
Stuart: Please, confidence is like red blood cells: it's nice if you got some, but you don't need 'em.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Neither of them will be the actual cake. I'm just using it as a bargaining chip to get Amy to agree to the whole wedding party getting rings and us getting one ring to rule them all.
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: What do you think will make the wedding worse for Amy, a cake made with salt instead of sugar or a cake iced with congealed gravy?
Leonard: That is a trick question. The answer is: you as the groom.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Howard doesn't mean anything by it. I think it's cultural. His people come from a very sarcastic village called Brooklyn.
Quote from Amy
Amy: Well, if we're changing things, then instead of throwing confetti, we'll release butterflies.
Sheldon: Airborne worms?! Have you lost your mind?! Well, if you're going to do that, then I am changing the officiant to that husky Spider-Man that hangs out at the Chinese Theater.
Amy: Fine. Wedding toasts in Latin.
Sheldon: Great. Vows in Klingon.
Amy: Then I'm changing the flower girl to a dog. And guess what he'll be scattering instead of petals!
Quote from Amy
Sheldon: Okay, let's see what we've got so far.
Amy: I arrive in a Little House on the Prairie style horse-drawn buggy.
Sheldon: Where you are met with an honor guard of stormtroopers.
Amy: Do you think that might be jarring, going from wholesome pioneers to space Nazis?
Sheldon: I see what you're saying. You're thinking that you should arrive in a replica of Luke Skywalker's landspeeder.
Amy: It's not what I'm thinking, and to save you the trouble for the future, it will never be what I'm thinking.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Your turn.
Sheldon: (runs randomizer) Ring bearer! Oh boy, I'm so glad that R2-D2 is still available.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: All right, Amy, you're up. Next decision.
Amy: Come on, first dance! Come on, first dance!
Sheldon: (runs computer randomizer) Invitations! Oh! That's a good one. Just a suggestion, hologram projected out of R2-D2.
Quote from Amy
Clerk: Here's your license. Now, if you wait over there, we'll call you when the officiant's ready.
Sheldon: Do we need a blood test?
Clerk: No.
Sheldon: Well, then, how will you know whether or not we have syphilis?
Clerk: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you don't have that.
Amy: Okay, Sheldon, you officially exceeded the number of times I hoped to hear the word "syphilis" on my wedding day.
Quote from Penny
Bernadette: You're gonna make me forget I've been stuck in bed while a baby uses my bladder as a kickball?
Penny: Hey, you had unprotected sex with Howard. You deserve to be miserable.
Quote from Stuart
Howard: Maybe I'll just hang out here for a while.
Stuart: Great. And you can make fun of me all you want.
Howard: No, that's okay.
Stuart: No, no, no. Go on. I can take it. My feelings, like my extremities, are basically numb.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Oh, I love the observatory. They tell you your weight on all the different planets. Yeah, it's always bikini season on Venus.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Do we know if there's life in the methane plumes of Enceladus or under the icy surface of Europa? Come back on Tuesday for my next show to find out. Spoiler alert: we don't.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Well if the ushers are so important to you, what if I propose a trade? You may pick that, and I will decide, say, first dance.
Amy: Great. Then the ushers will be my cousins dressed in frontier frock coats.
Sheldon: Oh. And the first dance will be that we won't have one.
Amy: All right. Then our second dance will be the first dance.
Sheldon: Unless we have no dance at all.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: And if we're not enjoying planning this wedding, then what's the point?
Sheldon: Well, historically, a wedding was to let other potential suitors know that we're unavailable. But I think matching T-shirts that say "Hands off the merchandise" accomplish the same thing.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Tomorrow we'll go downtown and get married.
Sheldon: Or we could go to Beverly Hills City Hall if you want a destination wedding.
Quote from Stuart
Howard: I mean, your life's a mess. I don't see you blaming other people for it.
Stuart: That's right. I grew up in a loving, supportive household. This is all on me.
Quote from Leonard
Penny: Have you ever thought about talking to some kind of therapist about all this?
Raj: Ugh. Maybe. Hey, Leonard, do you think your mom would be available?
Leonard: Yeah, you don't want to do that. Talking to my mom to get more confidence is like talking to a lion to get more alive.
Quote from Stuart
Stuart: Hey, Howard.
Howard: Hey.
Stuart: Where is everybody?
Howard: I could ask you the same question.
Stuart: Wow, this conversation got mean fast.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: You know, this is really fun. I can't believe that people say that planning a wedding is one of the most stressful things in life.
Sheldon: I know. Not a day goes by that I don't marvel how much better we are than other people.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Wait. The premise is that he is dressed differently?
Howard: Yeah.
Sheldon: (laughing) That's true. He is not dressed the same.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: We've assigned all wedding decisions randomly, and each of us makes half of them. You know, from venue to officiant to numbering system for the tables: Roman or Dewey Decimal.
Leonard: Why not hexadecimal?
Sheldon: 'Cause this is our wedding, not a joke.
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: I think you'd be great at that. Don't you agree, Bernadette?
Bernadette: Huh? I'm listening. I'm listening. I'm not watching The Crown.
Quote from Raj
Raj: They asked me what my biggest weakness was, and 45 minutes later, they thanked me for coming.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: You and Amy having fun planning your wedding?
Sheldon: We're employing a mathematical approach called decision theory, so, heck, yeah.
Leonard: Heck, yeah? Looks like someone need to put a dollar in the almost-swear jar.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: What is going on?
Howard: Raj is trying to blame me for his pathetic life.
Sheldon: His life isn't pathetic. He's got that whole table to himself!
Quote from Penny
Raj: Yeah, I was on my way to tell Howard, and then I remembered I wasn't speaking to him, so I came over here.
Leonard: Mm, don't you think it's time you two made up?
Raj: No. No, actually. I don't need his negative energy in my life right now. Standing up to him was-was hard, but it made me realize that I can do anything. And, yeah, it's a little sad, but, you know, life is all about-
Penny: (cork pops) Uh, sorry. I thought you were wrapping things up.
Quote from Leonard
Penny: Hey. You look good today.
Leonard: What happened? What's wrong? Just tell me. I can take it.
Penny: Nothing. I felt bad about being mean to you, so I'm being nice.
Leonard: Oh, okay. Sorry. I wasn't ready for it. Try again.
Penny: You look handsome.
Leonard: Nope, still freaking me out.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Wow. I never knew science could be so interesting.
Leonard: Hey, I talk to you about science all the time.
Penny: (baby talk) Oh, you sure do, sweetie.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Raj, you were terrific!
Raj: Oh, thank you. I was so nervous, my armpits are like a swamp.
Penny: Oh, your hug just got downgraded to a high five. (chuckles) Your palms are sweaty, too.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: One of us should go sit with Raj so he's not alone.
Sheldon: But I'm not done telling you about my wedding revenge plans.
Leonard: You're right. Go on.
Sheldon: Okay, well, first, I'm going to try to get Amy to trade with me for hors d'oeuvres - (Leonard gets up and moves to Raj's table)
Quote from Bernadette
Penny: This was a good idea. It's been a long time since we've had girls' night.
Amy: Yeah, it's so nice to have a relaxing evening at home doing nothing.
Bernadette: Yeah, really breaks up the other 30 days I've spent on bed rest doing nothing.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Hey, what's going on? You got a date?
Raj: I, uh, do have a date with science.
Penny: Ooh, what's science wearing?
Quote from Raj
Raj: I just want to make a good first impression, and thought maybe you could help me pick out an outfit?
Penny: Of course. Let's see what you got.
Amy: Yeah, you just need to pick something that-that you feel confident in.
Raj: I'm sorry. I left my magic clothes at home.
Penny: I'm sure these two options will be f- So you-you have other clothes at home?
Quote from Howard
Howard: Oh, good. Raj is here to tell us today's specials.
Raj: Very funny. I have my interview this afternoon.
Howard: Oh. If it doesn't work out, you're ready to go on your Mormon mission.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I don't understand what's going on here.
Raj: Oh, what's going on here is I'm up for a job at the planetarium, and Howard is making fun of me.
Sheldon: Oh, that's great. You're both doing what you love.
Quote from Raj
Dr. Koothrappali: Don't make excuses. What kind of friend acts that way?
Raj: Well, I-I guess-
Dr. Koothrappali: It was a rhetorical question. A bad friend!
Raj: Come on, Dad! That's just our relationship, okay? He makes Indian jokes, and I laugh, but, you know, with angry eyes so he knows it's not okay.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Thanks for your input, but this is my decision, and I'm gonna go with Old English calligraphy on Egyptian papyrus.
Sheldon: Oh, what a fun mashup. It's like the chicken and waffles of orthography.
Quote from Penny
Raj: Well, my dad thinks it's because Howard's always making fun of me.
Leonard: Well, that makes sense.
Penny: Well, what do you mean, that makes sense?
Leonard: Well, Howard does make fun of him a lot.
Penny: Well, that's not all Howard's fault. I mean, if Raj doesn't want to be made fun of, then- I, hmm. I don't know a nice way to finish this sentence.
Quote from Penny
Raj: Well, so you're on his side?
Penny: I'm just saying, that's what friends do. You know, they bust on each other. It doesn't mean anything.
Leonard: Well, I'm not surprised you think so.
Penny: Why is that?
Leonard: Well, you can be kind of mean to me.
Penny: Well, that's because you're- Wow. I don't know how to finish that sentence, either.
Quote from Raj
Penny: I'm so sorry the interview didn't go well.
Leonard: Yeah, you would've been perfect for it.
Raj: Oh, I just get so nervous, and then I start apologizing for being nervous, and- You guys don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry.
Penny: Stop apologizing!
Raj: Oh, my God! You sound just like the woman at the interview!
Quote from Dr. Koothrappali
Dr. Koothrappali: I, too, was in a relationship with someone who made me feel bad about myself.
Raj: If you're talking about Mom, I don't want to hear it.
Dr. Koothrappali: I'm just saying, if you replace Howard with a nice 22-year-old grad student, your self-confidence will soar.
Quote from Dr. Koothrappali
Dr. Koothrappali: Son, don't take this the wrong way, but what's your problem?
Raj: I would tell you, but apparently it takes 45 minutes.
Quote from Howard
Raj: I'd be in charge of developing and narrating all the planetarium shows. And I really want this, so it wouldn't kill you to be more supportive.
Howard: But if it did, you could bury me at the funeral home you direct.
Quote from Penny
Raj: I came here to celebrate! Yeah. I went back to the planetarium and told them they were making a huge mistake, that I'd be perfect for the job. I was I was charming, I was confident. And they gave it to me.
Penny: Wow.
Leonard: (chuckles) That's amazing!
Raj: Yeah, plus, it turns out the guy they hired got busted at a sketchy massage parlor.
Penny: Oh, so happy ending for you! Oh, and for him.
Quote from Leonard
Raj: You know what? I think we're both done being disrespected.
Leonard: (Penny looks at Leonard) I got a few rounds left in me.
Penny: Attaboy, champ.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Really? You're not gonna sit here?
Raj: I'll sit there as soon as you leave.
Howard: You're still on this? I said sorry.
Raj: Well, "sorry" doesn't make up for years of emotional abuse.
Howard: (sighs) Well, what's it gonna take? You want half my sandwich?
Quote from Raj
Raj: Hey, I need some fashion advice.
Amy: Really? From me? I would love to-
Raj: Actually, Leonard told me Penny was over here...
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Oh, good, you're here. I've decided on our centerpieces. I just hope your family isn't allergic to asbestos.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Hey, is that Raj there at girls' night? Well, hey.
Raj: Hey, Howard.
Howard: Just remember, if you fall asleep first, they're gonna freeze your bra.