Quotes from ‘The Proton Transmogrification’
The Proton Transmogrification Professor Proton delivers Sheldon a lesson in coping with grief. Meanwhile, a reflective Leonard and Penny get competitive with proposals to change their relationship. Elsewhere, Amy and Bernadette work on a "Star Wars Day" gift for the guys. |
Quote from Amy
Amy: I guess it must have been back when I was in the Girl Sprouts.
Bernadette: Girl Sprouts?
Amy: My mom made it up as an alternative to the Girl Scouts. She didn't want me selling cookies on some street corner like a whore.
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: I know why. You've come to me because you're my Obi-Wan.
Arthur: I'm not familiar with that. Is that an Internet?
Quote from Professor Proton
Arthur: Is this the first time you've lost someone close to you?
Sheldon: Oh, no. I've already had to say goodbye to eleven Doctor Whos.
Arthur: Yeah, I've outlived a few of my doctors, too.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: I got into science because I was always the smallest kid in the school. I thought if I became a scientist I could invent a formula that made me taller.
Amy: That's cute.
Bernadette: I thought it was working for a while, but then I found out my brother was just lowering the pencil marks on the door frame.
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: We were hoping it might cheer you up.
Bernadette: And even though it meant we had to miss the movies, we could still be part of the fun.
Howard: Oh, you didn't miss anything. We just started over.
Bernadette: Son of a bitch.
Quote from Professor Proton
Arthur: Just make sure you appreciate those who are still there for you.
Sheldon: But I do appreciate them.
Quote from Professor Proton
Arthur: Where are we?
Sheldon: This is the swampland of Dagobah. It's where Luke was trained in the ways of the Jedi.
Arthur: Oh, too bad. I thought it was Florida.
Quote from Penny
Penny: And this is also not the right time. Do not propose.
Leonard: What?!
Penny: I know that face. That's your proposed face.
Quote from Howard
Howard: Why're you being so quiet? You upset or are you just rebooting?
Quote from Professor Proton
Professor Proton: We'll be right back after I fire my writers.
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: You're back.
Arthur: Yeah, apparently I'm here whenever you need me.
Sheldon: That's nice.
Arthur: Maybe for you.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Anyway, it'll be a nice surprise for the boys. And Howie doesn't think I take his interests seriously, so hopefully this will keep him fooled for a while.
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: Did you watch Professor Proton when you were a kid?
Bernadette: No. My dad controlled the TV, so unless someone was a Texas Ranger, Jake or the Fat Man, we didn't see it.
Quote from Professor Proton
Arthur: This is weird. Most of my robes open in the back.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: When Darth Vader struck down Obi-Wan, did Luke cry like a baby and go to his funeral?
Penny: No. He blew up the death star. ... Why do I know this?
Quote from Amy
Amy: Arthur passing away was harder on Sheldon than he's ready to admit. I'm really hoping this will cheer him up.
Bernadette: Me too. Although it might have been thoughtless of us to bake a Death Star cake.
Amy: No, it combines two of Sheldon's favorite things: chocolate chips and the ability to destroy a planet at the touch of a button.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I'm working on the Star Wars day schedule. Now, I have a window built in, after Phantom Menace, for complaining. But I'm worried an hour won't be enough time.
Quote from Professor Proton
Arthur: It's fantastic. This is the longest I've gone without running into a men's room in years.
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: Why are you here?
Arthur: I don't know. I was hoping I was going to haunt my ex-wife.
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: Why do I need you now?
Arthur: Well, as near as I can tell. You fell asleep watching Star Wars and now you're dreaming you're watching Star Wars.
Sheldon: So?
Arthur: Don't you see a problem there? How you're spending your limited time on earth?
Sheldon: Not at all.
Arthur: Okay. Good luck to you.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: May the force be with you. Get it?
Penny: Oh no, this face wasn't because I didn't get it.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: What are you doing?
Leonard: Comforting you.
Sheldon: Your heart might be in the right place, but your head, chest and arms certainly aren't.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: Watching your old friend?
Sheldon: Yes. Look at him, Amy. It's such a shame. Struck down in the prime of my life.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Amy, mourning the inevitable is a complete waste of time.
Amy: And watching a bunch of goofy space movies you've seen a hundred times isn't?
Sheldon: If we were in a physical relationship, you've just lost sex tonight.
Quote from Penny
Raj: Before you go, at least let me pack you some Attack of the Scones for the road.
Penny: Ohh, like Attack of the Clones. ... We are leaving right now!
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: Arthur Jeffries was a scientist. I'm sure he didn't care about stupid superstitions like funerals. If he were here, I think he'd say "Enjoy Star Wars day".
Leonard: He was eighty-four. He'd say "Where's my pudding?"
Quote from Raj
Howard: You sure? Not even coffee? We have R2-Decaf. Maybe a nice Cafe au Leah.
Raj: And if you're not in the mood for coffee, I can always make you a Chai Tea-3PO.
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: This is pretty cool. You don't see too many spherical cakes.
*The cake rolls off the table*
Amy: I wonder why that is.
Quote from Leonard
Penny: You're a big cry baby. You start, I'll join in.
Leonard: I am not a cry baby.
Penny: Toy Story 3.
Leonard: The toys were holding hands in a furnace!
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: When Obi-Wan came to Luke on this very spot, he gave him all sorts of helpful advice. So what have you got for me?
Arthur: Uhmm ... Always get a pre-nup.
Quote from Professor Proton
Professor Proton: This is something interesting, boys and girls. After an owl eats, he spits up part of his meal, that he can't digest, in the form of a pellet. Isn't that a hoot?
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: How did that get you into science?
Amy: Oh, I went to the library and took out a book on biology to see what whores did.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: That's two proposals, one day. Sounds like someone wants to spend the rest of their life telling people how to spell the name Hofstadter.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: Since we all agree Episode 1 isn't our favorite, why not just skip it this time?
Sheldon: Howard, I think you of all people should avoid espousing the principle that if something is not our favorite we should just get rid of it.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Oh, I'm not going to the funeral.
Amy: Why not?
Sheldon: All those people blowing their noses. You can't tell the sick from the sad.
Quote from Penny
Penny: You know Klingon.
Leonard: That's true.
Penny: No, I meant that as a regret.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Can I make you breakfast? Admiral Ackbar's Snack Bar is open for business!
Quote from Penny
Penny: Thank you for being the emotional one in this relationship.
Leonard: I got your back
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: The funeral's on Sunday.
Sheldon: But that's Star Wars day.
Leonard: Yeah. Off all the things about this that are sad, that might not be number one.
Quote from Professor Proton
Leonard: The guys are about to start Jedi. Do you want to go watch?
Sheldon: I do. After I make them go back and watch 1 through 5.
Leonard: That will take all night.
Sheldon: That's true. Good thing I had that nap.
Quote from Howard
Raj: Maybe we should see how he's doing. ... But after the Cantina scene?
Howard: Obviously.
Quote from Penny
Penny: I've just never known anyone that died. I had a pet pig when I was a kid. When he died we didn't have a funeral, we had a barbecue.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: So, what did you think of your first funeral?
Penny: I don't want to be a jerk but it was kind of a bummer.
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: I'm fine.
Leonard: Okay ... and yet he cried when they changed the Raisin Bran box.
Quote from Howard
Howard: I think he's taking this Professor Proton thing pretty hard.
Raj: Should we try to console him?
Howard: Or should we respect his privacy in this moment of grief?
Raj: By staying here and watching the movie?
Howard: That's what good friends would do!
Quote from Professor Proton
Sheldon: Look at Arthur cracking up at a joke I made. I'll never hear that joke again.
Arthur: You never heard it that time.