Big Bang Theory Quote 7731
Quote from Bert in the episode The Contractual Obligation Implementation
Bert: (To Lucy, after speaking to Raj) You can do better!
Bert Quotes
Quote from the episode The Allowance Evaporation
Bert: I met her on G-Harmony. That's a Web site for geologists to find love.
Amy: That's a real thing?
Bert: Yeah. Their slogan is "We're all about dating and not the carbon-14 kind".
Quote from the episode The Geology Methodology
Sheldon: I've been modeling different types of dark matter and the traces they would leave on the zircon inside your meteorite.
Bert: What's this one here?
Sheldon: That's actually a dark matter model of my own creation. I call it the Cooper Boson.
Bert: Cool. I got to name a rock once. I named it Moderately Sedimented Shale. Guess I kind of pooped the bed on that one.
Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation
Bert: I don't really have dreams, when I sleep or in life.
‘The Contractual Obligation Implementation’ Quotes
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: We can't all be Cinderella.
Amy: Then how do we decide?
Bernadette: Well, it's simple. This was my idea. I'm driving. I'm Cinderella. You bitches got a problem with that, we could stop the car right now.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: (Typing into a search engine) How do I get 12-year-old schoolgirls excited?
Howard and Leonard: No!
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Every one of you has the capacity to be anything you want to be.
Penny: Unless you want to be Cinderella.
Bernadette: Come at me. See what happens!