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Quote from the episode The Separation Agitation

Sheldon: Bert, you're tying up the line. My apologies to all of you trying to call in with legitimate flag comments.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Sheldon: No, but it's not just video games. I downloaded the new O.S. for my phone. Took me a week to stop accidentally texting kissy faces to everyone.
Howard: Oh, so our love is not real?

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Sheldon: I guess I just need to face it, I'm no longer a wunderkind. Now I just wonder what's for lunch.
Leonard: Hot dogs.
Sheldon: Yay.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Amy: What smells so good?
Sheldon: Raj is teaching me to make croissants.
Amy: Is this part of your super-aging?
Sheldon: Yes. Yeah, it seemed daunting at first, but then I realized, it's like the chemistry set I had as a kid.
Only, when your brother eats this, no one has to call Poison Control.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Sheldon: Just to be on the safe side, am I in any danger of getting juggler's elbow?
Howard: No.
Sheldon: Are you sure? 'Cause I'm feeling a twinge.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Amy: Where did you get it?
Sheldon: Howard said I could borrow it, Bernadette said forever.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Amy: What happened to learning the unicycle?
Sheldon: Oh, I stopped that, it was dumb. Uni, bi, tri, menstrual, all cycles are dumb.
Amy: You said juggling was dumb, too.
Sheldon: Well, it is. If I wanted to hold three things at once, I'd wear cargo pants.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Amy: What are you reading?
Sheldon: This article says the peak age for making a Nobel Prize-winning discovery is 40.
Amy: So?
Sheldon: So, I'm running out of time.
Amy: That's ridiculous, you're a brilliant man. The best years of your life are still ahead of you.
Sheldon: Oh, you have to say that, you're sweet on me.

Quote from the episode The Cognition Regeneration

Amy: Well, if you're really worried about your career, maybe you should consider spending a little less time with video games and comic books.
Sheldon: Hey! I thought you were sweet on me.

Quote from the episode The Gyroscopic Collapse

Amy: You know, it's nice of you to acknowledge us, but this is your accomplishment.
Bernadette: Yeah, you guys did this all on your own.
Raj: Without me.
Sheldon: To success without Raj!

Quote from the episode The Gyroscopic Collapse

Amy: Does this mean you're okay with me going?
Sheldon: Well, I'm not looking forward to it, but it is a wonderful opportunity and you need to take it. Besides, Princeton is in New Jersey, so it's not like you're gonna want to stay.

Quote from the episode The Gyroscopic Collapse

Sheldon: I've been doing a little research on New Jersey, and I was delighted to learn that their chief agricultural product is sod.
Amy: Is it?
Sheldon: Hmm, yes. Yeah, perhaps I've been harder on them than they deserve.

Quote from the episode The Gyroscopic Collapse

Sheldon: And don't forget to Skype me when you arrive.
Amy: I won't.
Sheldon: And every morning.
Amy: Got it.
Sheldon: Now of course, my 9:00 a.m. is your noon, so let's avoid the whole "good morning," "good afternoon" minefield, and let's just say, "Hello."
Amy: Good thinking.

Quote from the episode The Long Distance Dissonance

Sheldon: So, tell me about your scalar dark energy experiment.
Ramona Nowitzki: Not 'til you tell me about your latest paper on quantum loop theory.
Sheldon: Oh. You must be one of those dessert before dinner people.

Quote from the episode The Long Distance Dissonance

Sheldon: And get this, I saw an articulating ladder with dual-leg leveling, which delivers stability and adaptability to uneven terrain.
Amy: Sounds like a big night.
Sheldon: Yeah. Raj made the funniest joke, he said, "Which is the best ladder to use to hang myself?"

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