Quotes from ‘The Focus Attenuation’
The Focus Attenuation When the guys want to spend the weekend working on science projects, the girls opt for a weekend trip to Vegas. After Penny receives an email from work, Amy and Bernadette accuse her of being a buzzkill. Meanwhile, the guys' efforts to invent something cool fizzle out when they keep getting distracted. |
Quote from Amy
Amy: But enough about Penny, let's talk about us. We're looking good.
Bernadette: We are.
Amy: Better than good. I mean look at you, your body's bangin'.
Bernadette: Amy!
Amy: Don't Amy me. We're always talking about how hot Penny is. Come on, scientist to scientist, how big are those hadron colliders?
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I know the real reason you never made progress with that idea. You thought of it September 22nd, 2007. Two days later, Penny moved in and so much blood rushed to your genitals, your brain became a ghost town.
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: Guess who won a hundred dollars playing craps?
Penny: That's a dollar.
Bernadette: Guess who wildly over-tipped a cocktail waitress?
Quote from Howard
Leonard: Penny is not the reason I did not pursue that idea.
Sheldon: Oh really? Since meeting her, what have been your greatest accomplishments?
Raj: Easy. Sleeping with Penny.
Howard: Getting Penny to go back out with him after she dumped him.
Raj: Tricking Penny into getting engaged.
Howard: And a few weeks ago he almost did a pull-up!
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: It wasn't until his twenty-first birthday that 1955 Biff placed his first bet.
Sheldon: Wow wow wow. Is 'placed' right?
Leonard: What do you mean?
Sheldon: Is 'placed' the right tense for something that would have happened in the future of a past that was affected by something from the future?
Leonard: 'Had will have placed'?
Sheldon: That's my boy.
Quote from Bernadette
Penny: That sounds great but I have a little more studying to do.
Amy: Can you believe this nerd?
Bernadette: Come on, do you want to sit here being a loser, or do you want to watch me climb into an Australian man's G-string like a baby kangaroo.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: My cousin has a cabin out in the woods.
Sheldon: I'm not going to a cabin in the woods. Did you see the movie "Cabin in the Woods?"
Leonard: Fine, we'll go to a hotel.
Sheldon: A hotel? Did you see "The Shining"?
Raj: We could go up to Big Bear and get a house on the lake.
Sheldon: Did you see "The Lake House"?
Raj: Nothing bad happens in "The Lake House"!
Sheldon: Not to them. To me. Time travelling mail box. The only time that travels was the hour and a half of my life down the toilet.
Leonard: Fine, we'll just stay here and do it.
Sheldon: Wait, you didn't suggest a beach house.
Leonard: You would go to a beach house?
Sheldon: Well, good Lord no. Have you seen "Jaws"?
Quote from Howard
Howard: Hey, I didn't think you'd make it.
Raj: Why not?
Howard: Because you have a steady girlfriend now and we assumed you'd have to stay home to lower the food down to her in the pit.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I remember it distinctly because I had just finished writing my poem commerating the anniversary of Dr. Seuss's death.
Howard: No one wants to hear it.
Sheldon: Why die? Why did he die? All told, I was told he was old.
Quote from Leonard
Leonard: Wait, wait, is 'brought' right?
Sheldon: Marty never had have had brought?
Leonard: I don't know, you did it to me.
Quote from Raj
Sheldon: Wait, I'm confused. Why would you need both a robot girlfriend and a robot prostitute?
Howard: There's just some things you don't do with your robot girlfriend.
Raj: Boy, when you met Bernadette, the field of robotics really took a hit.
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: Penny, let's go. We found a place that has Australian male strippers.
Bernadette: We want to see if they twirl their junk in the other direction.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Therefore, the timeline in which 1955 Biff gets the almanac is also the timeline in which 1955 Biff never gets the almanac. And not just never gets, never have, never hasn't, never had have hasn't.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Well, don't feel bad. I think we've all been distracted since the girls entered our lives.
Howard: You admit Amy's a distraction.
Sheldon: Oh very much so. Listen to this. This is from two days ago. "Hi, hope you're having a good day." Who has time for this constant sexting?
Quote from Penny
Penny: Well we're in Vegas. I want to go downstairs, get a bucket of margaritas, dance until I vomit all over a roulette wheel and watch it go everywhere.
Amy: What if we don't want to vomit?
Penny: Oh, you will. That's why they give you the bucket.
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: You're embarrassing me.
Amy: Oh, don't be embarrassed. I'll show you the divot in my spine.
Bernadette: What?
Amy: No, it's okay. I was born with it. If you put a double A battery in there, it makes my leg kick.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: You guys, what are we doing? We sent the girls away so we could focus.
Sheldon: I don't think it worked.
Quote from Penny
Amy: Ooh, there's a cover band in the lounge.
Penny: Eh, no.
Amy: But they play Barry Manilow.
Penny: No.
Amy: But they're called Fairly Manilow.
Penny: Oh, okay.
Amy: Great!
Penny: No!
Quote from Raj
Raj: I have an idea.
Sheldon: I think I have the same one.
Howard: We've got to watch Back to the Future II.
Raj: I'll make the pop corn.
Quote from Raj
Leonard: We keep procrastinating. We saw Back to the Future II, pigeons playing ping pong, a bunch of countries that look like genitals, and one guy whose genitals look like Denmark!
Raj: Yeah, sorry for clicking on that.
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: Have you ever seen a body so fine?
Amy: We had some pretty hot corpses in my anatomy class but none of them moved like that.
Quote from Leonard
Howard: I can't argue with him, it's right there on the screen. Austria does look like a wiener.
Raj: That's nothing. Dude, go check out how hung Florida is.
Leonard: I'm sure Mrs. Florida's walking funny.