Raj Koothrappali Quotes Page 2 of 70
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Raj: Well, we got into this because we both wanted to get married, and honestly, we've been dragging our feet, and I think this is the push that we need.
Bernadette: Wait, so you're gonna ask her to marry you?
Raj: Why not? We like each other, plus, we both want to start a family. Hey, I can work from anywhere, I'm an astronomer. They have stars in London, and I'm not just talking about Dame Judi Dench.
Howard: No one thought you were.
Bernadette: I thought he was.
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Raj: How's the concierge conference? You guys just get theater tickets for each other all day long?
Anu:It's going great, and the company put me in a nice place in Notting Hill.
Raj: Notting Hill? Like the movie? Uh, "I'm just a boy standing in front of a girl saying" you better bring me home a T-shirt.
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Raj: What does that mean for us?
Anu: Well, how committed are you to staying in California?
Raj: This is where my work is, this is where my friends are.
Anu: But are you happy?
Raj: Not for years. What's your point?
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Bernadette: She has slept over every night this week.
Raj: Uh, no, no, she wasn't here Wednesday night.
Howard: Yes, she was. You didn't notice because you were in the hot tub in the backyard eating Oreos.
Raj: That reminds me. [gets up, goes to the shopping list and writes:] Oreos.
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Denise: Hey, guys.
Raj: Hey.
Howard: Hey.
Denise: I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company.
Raj: It's all right, neither did they.
Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion
Bernadette: When does Anu come back from London?
Raj: Next week. But it's been good, you know? Really given me a chance to focus on myself.
Howard: How's that going?
Raj: I didn't like what I saw, got in my car, drove over here.
Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism
Howard: So guess what. There was a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory back in the day who kind of had a thing for me.
Raj: Other than Bernadette? That does not sound right.
Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism
Raj: We know it wasn't Penny, we know it wasn't Susan-
Howard: Wait. How do we know it wasn't Susan?
Raj: Uh, because she had a type.
Howard: What type?
Raj: Don't make me say it.
Howard: Are you saying I'm not a handsome guy?
Raj: See? It's mean, right?
Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation
Raj: I know a lot of people have been having fun claiming that I said I found alien life. I want to make it clear that is not what I said. I did say that was one possible explanation. I don't think that's something to mock. Right? It would be arrogant for us to assume that we are alone in the universe. And as scientists, we need to remain open to the possibility that the truth may sound silly or far-fetched. Uh, the round Earth. Germs that cause diseases. Subatomic particles. All these at one time seemed fanciful.
So who's to say what science fiction of today will be the reality of tomorrow? Will there be colonies on Mars? Uh, matter transporters? Perhaps the Loch Ness Monster is real.
Who knows? I'm just saying that the only way science moves forward is to follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if it makes us sound crazy sometimes.
Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation
Raj: And, with apologies to Lady Gaga, that's how a star is born.
Howard: Told you he was gonna mention Lady Gaga.
Bernadette: At least he didn't talk about how much he cried during that movie.
Raj: Although, if you haven't seen that movie, you should. I cried so much.
Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation
Raj: And this is the telescope room where I spend a lot of my evenings.
Anu: Where's the telescope?
Raj: Hawaii.
Anu: That's cool.
Raj: Yeah, so, you know aloha.
Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation
Anu: What's that smell?
Raj: Uh, everyone has their own theory. Dr. Tibourgh thinks it's mold. I think it's Dr. Tibourgh.
Quote from the episode The Decision Reverberation
Raj: So, I recently observed some optical flashes. It could be light bouncing off a natural object, but those tend to be less reflective, so could be evidence of something alien-made.
Anu: Oh, this suddenly got exciting.
Raj: Oh. When you say "exciting," do you mean "go back to my place" exciting or "hold our breath and do it here"? [Anu kisses Raj] Mahalo.
Quote from the episode The Inspiration Deprivation
Raj: Wait, one second. Won't Bernadette be mad when she finds out?
Howard: She's not gonna. I'm keeping it here at the university.
Raj: Ah. My dad kept a secret at work, too, but it was his receptionist.
Quote from the episode The Laureate Accumulation
Bernadette: I heard you tell Halley that story the other night, and I thought it was so sweet that Stuart and I turned it into a book.
Howard: The Frightened Little Astronaut?
Raj: That looks just like you. Look how tiny and scared you look.
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