Raj Koothrappali Quotes Page 25 of 70

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Quote from the episode The Relationship Diremption

Raj: Being an astrophysicist right now is like being a rock star.
Howard: Only without the sex.
Raj: Yeah, literally none of it.

Quote from the episode The Bon Voyage Reaction

Raj: I'm unlovable.
Penny: It's just the booze talking.
Raj: I haven't had a drink since last night.
Penny: You're talking to me!
Raj: I am! Now I'm crying for a whole different reason.
Penny: Me too.

Quote from the episode The Anything Can Happen Recurrence

Raj: You're a good friend. I'll owe you one.
Mrs. Wolowitz (off-screen): Howard, help me get out of the tub!
*Howard looks at Raj*
Raj: Not that one!

Quote from the episode The 2003 Approximation

Raj: Have you seen this Archie comic? It's actually Archie versus Predator.
Howard: How could Archie defeat Predator?
Raj: I don't know. Maybe Jughead's a Terminator.

Quote from the episode The Pirate Solution

Howard: What do you mean you didn't get the job? How could you not get it?
Raj: You know, he's British, I'm Indian. Ever since Gandhi, they haven't liked us very much.
Leonard: Are you saying that he discriminated against you? Because we should file a complaint.
Raj:That's okay, a complaint's been filed.

Quote from the episode The Positive Negative Reaction

Howard: Okay, how about this for an invention: slightly bigger cocktail umbrellas?
Leonard: How is that a new invention?
Howard: I don't know. All Apple does is change the size of things and we keep buying them.
Raj: It's true. I like my giant iPad and my little iPad almost as much as my regular-sized iPad.

Quote from the episode The Friendship Turbulence

Sheldon: Nine years, eleven months and three weeks ago, he followed that up replacing the slides for my lecture with photographs of nude fat women bending over.
Amy: Really?
Howard: The lecture was on cosmic gas clouds.
Raj: I was there. It was funny!

Quote from the episode The Romance Resonance

Penny: What else would you love? Other than being lifted over Patrick Swayze's head.
Raj: Oh, you could stand outside with a boombox in the air.
Penny: That's from "Say Anything".
Raj: Look, I'm a lonely guy. I watch a lot of movies.

Quote from the episode The Middle-Earth Paradigm

Raj: Okay, if no one else will say it, I will. We really suck at paintball.

Quote from the episode The Lunar Excitation

Raj: The Good Wife is on. I tell you, this is my new Grey's Anatomy.

Quote from the episode The Perspiration Implementation

Raj: Look at us! We're like the Rockettes!

Quote from the episode The Communication Deterioration

Leonard: How do you want to start?
Raj: I don't know. How do you want to start?
Leonard: I don't know. Should we call Sheldon and Howard?
Raj: No, we can do this by ourselves.
Leonard: Great. How do you want to start?
Raj: I don't know. How do you want to start?

Quote from the episode The Transporter Malfunction

Raj: With women! I like to boogie with women!

Quote from the episode The Indecision Amalgamation

Raj: Fate has given me a rare second chance and I swear to Vishnu that I'm not going to blow it. ... Or normal words followed by a charming smile.

Quote from the episode The Relaxation Integration

Stuart: Actually, I own my own store. Uh, if you'd like to check it out sometime, I'm running a new promotion: buy anything, get taken out for a reasonably priced dinner.
Raj: Yeah, yeah, Stuart's struggling financially. But he doesn't let that get him down. He believes in himself. Even though the whole world has made it clear he should not.

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