Raj Koothrappali Quotes Page 68 of 70
Quote from the episode The Lizard-Spock Expansion
Sheldon: Oh look, Saturn 3 is on.
Raj: I don't want to watch Saturn 3. Deep Space Nine is better.
Sheldon: How is Deep Space Nine better than Saturn 3?
Raj: Simple subtraction will tell you its six better.
Quote from the episode The Bat Jar Conjecture
Raj: I say we wait until he looks at us then laugh, like "Yes, you're a smart and strong competitor but we're also smart and strong and we have a reasonable chance of defeating you".
Quote from the episode The Classified Materials Turbulence
Howard: Okay make your little jokes, but out of the four of us, I'm the only one who's making real world contribution to science and technology.
Rajesh: He's right, this is an important achievement for two reasons. Number one and of course number two!
Quote from the episode The Precious Fragmentation
Sheldon: One ring to rule them all.
Rajesh: One ring to find them.
Wolowitz: One ring to bring them all.
Leonard: And in the darkness bind them.
Rajesh: Holy crap are we nerdy!
Quote from the episode The Vengeance Formulation
Leonard: What if you could make Kripke look even sillier than he made you look?
Raj: I don't think that's possible, dude.
Leonard: You're not helping.
Raj: I didn't come here to help, I came here to mock.
Quote from the episode The Lunar Excitation
Raj: The Good Wife is on. I tell you, this is my new Grey's Anatomy.
Quote from the episode The Large Hadron Collision
Raj: If anyone's interested, I'll be spending this Valentine's in the same way I spend every Valentine's. Buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, taking it home, standing over the sink and eating it out of the package with my bare hands like an animal.
Quote from the episode The Wheaton Recurrence
Wolowitz: Okay, forget giant ants. How about giant rabbits?
Raj: Big or small, I don't like rabbits. They always look like they're about to say something, but they never do.
Quote from the episode The Jerusalem Duality
Raj: Can you believe it! He watched me work for 10 minutes and than he tried to build a little piece of software that could replace me.
Leonard: Is that really possible?
Raj: As it turned out, yes.
Quote from the episode The Vengeance Formulation
Sheldon: What do you want?
Raj: We represent the Lollipop Guild and we want you!
Quote from the episode The Jiminy Conjecture
Wolowitz: I think that you and Penny had a poor night.
Leonard: It wasn't poor. It was ... just fine.
Raj: Dude, the fourth Harry Potter movie was just fine.
Quote from the episode The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
Rajesh: What are you waiting for?! Kill Wil Wheaton! From hell's heart, stab at him!
Quote from the episode The Spaghetti Catalyst
Leonard: I'm not going out tonight, Raj.
Raj: All right. Would you mind if I went to your room and downloaded some Asian pornography?
Leonard: Very much.
Raj: Doesn't have to be Asian.
Quote from the episode The Spaghetti Catalyst
Raj: Hey, Leonard?
Leonard: Yeah?
Raj: I haven't had sex in a year.
Leonard: Where are you going with this, Raj?
Raj: Don't flatter yourself, dude.
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