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Quote from the episode The Propagation Proposition

Leonard: Uh, do you remember Penny's ex-boyfriend Zack?
Sheldon: Leonard, I remember all of Penny's ex-boyfriends. If you'd like, I could list them alphabetically.
Leonard: No, thank you.
Sheldon: Fun fact. You would think Zack would be the last one on the list, but she also dated two Zekes.

Quote from the episode The Propagation Proposition

Sheldon: They wanted you?
Leonard: Yes, Sheldon, they wanted me. I'm smart. I'm nice.
Sheldon: I'm smart. I'm nice. And I can eat cheese without clearing out a room.
Leonard: Are you upset he didn't ask you?
Sheldon: Of course not. I just think it's interesting that of all the people he knows, he thinks you're the best choice.
Leonard: Well, he does. I don't see why Penny is so against this.
Sheldon: Well, perhaps Penny's worried that you haven't considered the emotional toll of knowing there's a child out there who is biologically yours but not actually yours.
Leonard: Wow, that's really insightful.
Sheldon: Yeah, I'm taller than you and I don't have asthma.

Quote from the episode The Confirmation Polarization

Sheldon: Hello. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
Amy: And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler.
Sheldon: And this is: Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present-
Both: Dr. Sheldon Cooper's Fun with Flags.

Quote from the episode The Confirmation Polarization

Amy: Oh. Uh oh, my gosh, it's from Fermilab in Chicago.
Sheldon: Ah. Not surprising, the Windy City. Great flag town.

Quote from the episode The Confirmation Polarization

Sheldon: Well, too bad. This discovery belongs to Amy and me.
Dr. Pemberton: (sighs) Look, Dr. Cooper, we all want a Nobel Prize. Super-asymmetry could be the breakthrough that gets us there. But we can't fight over credit; we have to work together.
Sheldon: So you're saying that the four of us should just agree to share this discovery?
Dr. Pemberton: Well, no, unfortunately, only three people can share a Nobel.
Sheldon: Oh, that's right. So he's out?
Dr. Campbell: No, I'm not out.
Sheldon: So he's out?
Dr. Pemberton: Neither of us is out.

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Leonard: Excuse me. Remember you all came here to check out my cool new laser?
Sheldon: Oh, right. I'm gonna go wait in the car.

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Bernadette: Sheldon, if you like this stuff, why don't you come and do it with us?
Howard: Or instead of us?
Sheldon: [gasps] Do you mean it? No, no, wait, it's too late. You can't take it back.

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Sheldon: Purell. Purell. Purell. Purell. Can I top anybody off?

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Sheldon: You think you know people.
Amy: You do know them, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Yeah, but-but do we? Do we really know them?
Amy: Yes!

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Sheldon: They're rule breakers, Amy. And you know what we do with rule breakers?
Amy: Complain about them to our spouse until she's ready to drive into oncoming traffic?
Sheldon: You can't cross a double yellow line. What is this, the Purge?

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Sheldon: Oh, hey, look. "Siglature."

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Howard: Hey. What's going on?
Sheldon: Can you come over here?
Howard: Sheldon, the deck is safe. You can walk on it.
Sheldon: [after gently stepping onto the deck] Oh, that gets the heart going.

Quote from the episode The Meteorite Manifestation

Sheldon: And you'll be happy to know that, while I was there, I did look into your neighbor's balcony, and it is encroaching on your property line. I had all this pent-up snitch energy, so I reported him hard.
Howard: What did they say?
Sheldon: He's going to have to remove it.
Bernadette: [chuckles] So the good guys win?
Sheldon: Well, I don't know if I'd call you the good guys.You're enforcing a law on him that you're willfully ignoring yourselves.
Bernadette: Uh, all right, fine. So the morally compromised guys win.
Sheldon: Apparently so. Now, if one of you'd be kind enough to take me home, I need to use my bathroom.
Howard: What's wrong with the one here?
Sheldon: I'm sorry, I want to live.

Quote from the episode The Donation Oscillation

Howard: Well, these two are out. There goes our guys' weekend.
Raj: Okay, so let's make it a couples' weekend. I'll bring Anu, you bring Bernadette.
Howard: I'm not sure Bernie would like it. Maybe I'll invite Stuart or Bert.
Sheldon: Oh, go with Bert! He's huge. It'd be fun to watch him float around. Like that time the Underdog balloon got away at the Macy's Parade.

Quote from the episode The Donation Oscillation

Sheldon: Amy? There's something out here.
Amy: Just trap it under a cup, and I'll be there in a minute.
Sheldon: I'll try, but it's Leonard.
Amy: What? Well, what is he doing here?
Sheldon: I told you, if we left pizza on the counter, we'd attract something.

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