Quotes from ‘The Love Spell Potential’
The Love Spell Potential After the girls' trip to Vegas goes awry, they join the guys for a game of Dungeons and Dragons, which takes Sheldon and Amy's relationship to an unexpected place. Meanwhile, Raj and Lucy have a very awkward date |
Quote from Penny
Sheldon: I've never played Dungeons and Dragons with girls.
Penny: It's okay, honey, no one has.
Quote from Howard
Howard: A satanic fungus that looks suspiciously like Al Pacino rises from the forest floor and says, (Imitating Al Pacino) "You're playing D&D. You're playing D&D. This whole apartment is playing D&D."
Quote from Bernadette
Bernadette: I've got a sexy new tube top that says come hither and a bottle of pepper spray that says close enough, Jack!
Quote from Penny
Penny: Oh, it's not so bad. You lost money, you're filled with shame, and you got groped by a stranger. That's Vegas. You nailed it.
Quote from Leonard
Sheldon: Now, Penny, we don't consume alcohol during Dungeons and Dragons. It impairs our judgment.
Penny: Oh, this isn't alcohol. It's a magic potion that makes me like you.
Leonard: Double potion, please.
Quote from Penny
Penny: I got a new bikini. The drinks at the pool will be brought to you by these.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I've never knocked on my own door before. That was a wild ride.
Quote from Raj
Raj: I'm actually glad Lucy had to work tonight. Saved me the awkward conversation about how I was hanging with my bros.
Howard: Isn't every conversation you two have awkward?
Raj: Painfully so. We have this rule that if no one talks for three minutes, we can just hang up. So into her.
Quote from Bernadette
Amy: Well, when we were going through security, I got pulled out of line for a pat-down. The TSA agent got a little handsy. I may have broken her nose with my elbow.
Bernadette: Long story short, she's on the No Fly List and we might have been followed here by a drone.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I know it doesn't seem like it to you, but for me what we have is extremely intimate.
Amy: I guess I know that. It's just part of me wants more.
Sheldon: More? I mean, look at us. It's only been three years, here we are in bed together.
Quote from Sheldon
Howard: The ladies are away, the boys will play.
Raj: Anything can happen.
Leonard: It's gonna get crazy.
Sheldon: Dungeons & Dragons!
Quote from Amy
Amy: I'll tell you what they think. They think our relationship is a joke.
Sheldon: Well, I don't think our relationship is a joke. I think "a horse goes into a bar, bartender says, 'Why the long face?'", that's a joke. It's a good one, too, because a horse has a long face.
Amy: Sheldon, are we ever going to have an intimate relationship?
Sheldon: Oh, my. That's an uncomfortable topic. Amy, before I met you, I never had any interest in being intimate with anyone.
Amy: And now?
Sheldon: And now what?
Amy: Do you have any interest now?
Sheldon: I have not ruled it out.
Amy: Wow. Talk dirty to me.
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: You don't have to come in here and cheer me up.
Sheldon: Thank you. Would you go tell everyone else that? Because they sure think otherwise.
Quote from Howard
Howard: The love spell takes effect. When Sheldon looks at Amy, she is the most beautiful half-orc he's ever seen, and he's overcome with a desire to rip her armor off and gaze fondly at her four hairy breasts. When Amy sees Sheldon, he looks, well, just like Sheldon, 'cause apparently she’s into that.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: Oh, I don't know about you guys, but I have been through the emotional wringer tonight.
Bernadette: This may be the potion talking, but you are one fine-ass dungeon master.
Howard: Oh, yeah? Well, when we get home, I'm gonna take you on a whole different adventure.
Sheldon: Another quest by Wolowitz? Count me in.
Amy: Sheldon, they're talking about sex.
Sheldon: Oh, then I'm out.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Lucy?
Lucy: Hey, long time no see.
Raj: You don't know me very well, but each time you crawl out a bathroom window to escape my company, it chips away at my masculinity.
Quote from Penny
Leonard: All right, Amy, there's one ogre left. Take him out.
Amy: Okay.
Penny: Pretend he's that TSA agent. Come on.
Amy: Nineteen. Yes, this is turning out to be even better than Vegas.
Penny: No, it's not.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Fifteen's the point, the point is fifteen. Give the little lady some room. Here it is, coming out. Sixteen! Yes! Oh, please tell me we're playing for money.
Sheldon: Oh, even better than money. You gained experience points.
Penny: More potion, please.
Quote from Penny
Penny: You know what? Give me the dice, I want to roll.
Howard: The dungeon master's supposed to roll.
Penny: Yeah, well Im supposed to be in Vegas throwing up on a shrimp buffet. Now give it.
Quote from Penny
Penny: Okay, who wants a drink?
Sheldon: Now, Penny, we don't consume alcohol during Dungeons & Dragons. It impairs our judgment.
Penny: Oh, this isn't alcohol. It's a magic potion that makes me like you.
Leonard: Double potion, please.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: See, Howard's just as good a dungeon master as I am.
Sheldon: As good? You just got pantsed in the schoolyard, four eyes.
Quote from Sheldon
Leonard: Amy, wait. I know it's not the night you had in mind, but why don't you guys stay and play with us? It'll be fun.
Sheldon: It would? Fun? Okay, three weeks ago you bought crunchy peanut butter, now you want the girls to play D&D? Do you have a drug problem?
Quote from Sheldon
Amy: You guys enjoy your evening. I'm gonna go before I ruin anybody else's weekend.
Sheldon: Ah, that's my girl.
Quote from Raj
Raj: Oh, Lucy's free after all. See ya.
Leonard: Hey, hey, hey. You can't leave. We just started.
Raj: You're right, I should finish the game. I take my plus-one long sword, stab myself in the face with it. I'm dead. I've got a date with a girl. Bye.
Quote from Sheldon
Sheldon: I'm not sure how I feel about Howard being dungeon master instead of you.
Leonard: Oh, that's nice. But relax, sometimes change is good. You were worried about Zachary Quinto being the new Spock, but you wound up liking him.
Sheldon: Oh, please. Every time the topic of change comes up, you throw Zachary Quinto in my face. I'm upset the mailman has a new haircut, Zachary Quinto. I'm upset that daylight saving time started, Zachary Quinto. I'm upset daylight saving time ended, Zachary Quinto. I'm saying this for the last time, Zachary Quinto was a weird, wonderful, unrepeatable event. So stop using him against me.
Quote from Howard
Sheldon: I've got a brand-new seven piece set of polyhedral dice. Hello, new dice smell.
Leonard: I've got my helm of lordly might, my boots of speed, and if things get too exciting, my inhaler of asthma.
Raj: I got my new bloodthirsty savage warrior who will lay waste to all who stand before him. And I had a sensible salad for lunch, so I can eat all the pizza I want.
Howard: Come on, are we gonna sit around chatting like a bunch of teenage girls, or are we gonna play D&D like a bunch of teenage boys who are never gonna have sex with those teenage girls?
Quote from Amy
Amy: I got some old underwear I'm gonna throw on stage at the Garth Brooks concert.
Penny: I'm sorry, why old?
Amy: 'Cause last time I saw him, I threw new ones and it got me nothing.
Quote from Amy
Bernadette: Burbank Airport, please.
Penny: Vegas, here we come.
Bernadette: No husbands, no boyfriends, no rules.
Amy: No rules? We're not gonna get drunk and have a six way with the Blue Man Group, are we?
Penny: No.
Amy: So there are some rules.
Bernadette: Fine. No husbands, no boyfriends, some rules.
Amy: Thank you. Vegas!
Quote from Raj
Raj: I like you a lot, and that's scary for me. Mostly because you're a proven flight risk.