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Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Leonard: When am I gonna stop trying to win her approval? E-Every time I'm around her, I-I turn into this needy little eight-year-old boy.
Sheldon: You sound like that now and she's not even here.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Leonard: I know that, it's just after all these years, you'd think I would have learned.
Sheldon: Hmm. It's too bad you didn't. Well, see? Compassion.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Amy: I'm sure she's not mad at you.
Sheldon: Well, then why would she rather spend the day with Leonard?
Amy: Because he's her son?
Sheldon: Amy, I just feel like we're going in circles.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Sheldon: I'm looking over my text correspondence with Beverly and I don't see anything that would have given her offense. Nothing's ambiguous, I spell everything out. Including "laugh out loud" and "what's the fracas?"

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Leonard: I am so stupid. I-I actually thought my mom was genuinely proud of me. It turns out, she's just using me as research for her new book.
Sheldon: Oh, what a relief. I thought Beverly was mad at me. Thank you, Leonard. That is a weight off my shoulders.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Sheldon: What? No knock? What's the fracas?

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Sheldon: Ah, Beverly, there you are.
Beverly Hofstadter: Sheldon, how nice to see you. Leonard was just showing me his new lab.
Sheldon: Oh, yes, experimental physics, the carpentry of the science world.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Sheldon: Well I'm here to rescue you from the boredom.
Beverly Hofstadter: Not necessary. This is really quite interesting.
Sheldon: But?
Beverly Hofstadter: But nothing.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Leonard: You can't pick her up. It'll make me look like a bad son.
Sheldon: I imagine that's one of the things we'll talk about on the ride. That and Amy's recent reluctance to use turn signals.
Amy: We were in a parking garage.

Quote from the episode The Maternal Conclusion

Sheldon: Oh, maybe I should pick her up.
Amy: You don't drive.
Sheldon: That's what makes you and me a great team. Go get your keys.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Sheldon: That was my iced tea.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Sheldon: Frankly, I don't know what Linda ever saw in either of them.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Sheldon: Are you all right? You seem distracted.
Amy: Yeah, sorry. I'm just trying to figure something out.
Sheldon: Is it what to get me for our anniversary? 'Cause I'll give you a hint: it's already in my Amazon basket. Just click "buy now." I filled out the gift card for you. Apparently, I'm the light of your life.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Sheldon: Kudos on the meatballs. They're nice and round.
Amy: Thanks.
Sheldon: Yeah. They're much better than those prolate spheroids you used to pass off as balls.

Quote from the episode The Plagiarism Schism

Amy: Sheldon, if someone were gonna do something ethically murky on your behalf, would you rather know about it or not know about it to retain your innocence?
Sheldon: Well, now that I know there's a thing to know, I have to know. Can't help myself; I'm a fact addict.
Amy: That's not a real thing.
Sheldon: And that's a fact.

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