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Quote from the episode The Bow Tie Asymmetry

Mary: Thank you again for picking us up.
Raj: (chuckles) My pleasure, Mrs. Cooper.
Mary: You know, our driver to the airport was also a Indian fella.
Missy: Mom!
Mary: Oh, so now it's racist to notice when somebody's Indian.
Raj: I don't think it's racist. I noticed you were both white.
Mary: See?

Quote from the episode The Bow Tie Asymmetry

Mary: Let me straighten your tie.
Sheldon: No, no, no, it's all right. It's supposed to be a little asymmetrical. Apparently, a small flaw somehow improves it.
Mary: I can see that. Sometimes it's the imperfect stuff that makes things perfect.
Sheldon: Excuse me. *Sheldon rushes out of the room*
Mary: Case in point.

Quote from the episode The Bow Tie Asymmetry

Mark Hamill: Welcome. We are gathered here today in the sight of family, friends and Almighty God.
Sheldon: That's too religious.
Mark Hamill: That lady over there made me say it.
Mary: He heard you, and he can't un-hear you.

Quote from the episode The Proposal Proposal

Mary Cooper: I am so happy for you two, but I'm not surprised. I've been praying for this.
Sheldon: Well, God had nothing to do with it. It happened because I was kissing another woman, and it made me realize I wanted to be with Amy.
Mary Cooper: More than one woman was interested in you? I might have prayed a little too hard.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Amy: Well, uh, Howard and Bernadette had their baby.
Mary Cooper: (gasps) Oh, that's wonderful! Now, have they decided to raise it Jewish or regular?
Sheldon: Welcome to Texas.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Mary Cooper: Sheldon, if you're trying to prove me wrong, the tighty-whities on your head ain't changing my mind.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Mary Cooper: Thank you, God, for the food we are about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies and bless the hands that prepared it. Amen.
Sheldon: Given that your hands prepared it, isn't that a little self-serving?
Mary Cooper: You start changing the words to the prayers, next thing you know, you're in a church with a guitar.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Mary Cooper: Shelly, how do I put this? By your third birthday, you had memorized over a thousand different kinds of trains, and I never imagined a woman getting aboard any of them.
Sheldon: What, so - You thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life?
Mary Cooper: No! Just for the middle part. 'Cause at the end I assumed there'd be nurses.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Amy: He's been in there a long time. Should I go talk to him?
Mary Cooper: He's upset with me. I should be the one who talks to him. (stays seated and works on her knitting)
Amy: Are you going to?
Mary Cooper: Oh, heck no.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Amy: Sheldon, what what are you doing?
Sheldon: Just being the un-socialized eccentric my mother always thought I was.
Mary Cooper: You startin' to see why I didn't go in there?

Quote from the episode The Conjugal Conjecture

Sheldon: Why do people cry at weddings?
Mary Cooper: They're practicing for what's coming later.

Quote from the episode The Conjugal Conjecture

Mary Cooper: There's a lot of traffic. Are we gonna be okay?
Amy: You'll be at the airport an hour before your flight.
Mary Cooper: Good. Thank you.
Sheldon: Plenty of time for you to meet another geriatric boy toy.
Mary Cooper: Hey, I will not have you be disrespectful to me.
Sheldon: Yes ma'am.

Quote from the episode The Conjugal Conjecture

Amy: Sheldon, your mother's an attractive woman. You need to get used to the fact that men are going to be interest in her.
Sheldon: Well, and you need to drive the car and mind your business.
Amy: I will not have you be disrespectful to me.
Sheldon: What- you're not my mother.
Mary Cooper: Don't you be disrespectful to her.
Sheldon: Yes ma'am.
Mary Cooper: You'll get there. You've just gotta put some zing on it.

Quote from the episode The Convergence Convergence

Mary Cooper: I've always had a special place in my heart for Leonard. Taking care of my baby all these years.
Sheldon: Excuse me, I take care of him.
Mary Cooper: Sure you do.

Quote from the episode The Convergence Convergence

Mary Cooper: So who else is coming to this shindig?
Amy: Oh, well, the usual gang. Penny's family is coming tomorrow.
Sheldon: Yeah, and Leonards mother's already here.
Mary Cooper: Oh. Beverly. How nice.
Amy: You've met her, right?
Mary Cooper: Yes, I have. (reveals her cross necklace)
Sheldon: Mother, she's an atheist, not a vampire.
Mary Cooper: Either way, let's stop and get some garlic.

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