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Quote from Raj in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Howard: I would have caught up to her if I hadn't pulled a hammy.
Raj: Oh, please, you weigh 80 pounds. You don't have a hammy.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: We won.
Leonard: Oh, that's excellent. It's a weird figure of speech, isn't it? We won, when you weren't actually playing. When we watch Star Wars, we don't say we defeated the empire.
Penny: I'm glad to hear it.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Raj: I'm just saying, maybe if you people cut back on the beer, you could get out of the bathroom and satisfy your women without pharmaceutical help.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Sheldon: That's exactly what my father said. Come to the games, watch the games, week in and week out from the time I was five until I went off to college. Longest seven years of my life.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: Hey, guys. What you doing? Going out to discover electricity?
Sheldon: If you're referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin, he did not discover electricity, he merely used a kite to determine that lightning consists of electricity. He also invented the Franklin stove, bifocals and the flexible urinary catheter. Kites, ho.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: Oh, gee, sounds amazing, but, um, I've got some friends coming over. Not a big thing, we're just gonna watch the Nebraska game.
Leonard: Oh. Football, sure.
Howard: Good guess.

Quote from Raj in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: Well, this sucks.
Sheldon: I'm sorry, I got bored and drifted off. Where exactly in the interaction did the sucking lie?
Raj: Leonard just realized that Penny's been hiding him from her friends because he's a tiny, little man who flies kites.
Sheldon: Oh, that certainly would suck.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: So, Penny doesn't want me around her friends. I embarrass her. What else could it be?
Sheldon: Well, her actions could be out of concern for your feelings. Perhaps she's excluded you from these gatherings because she's scouting for a new mate and doesn't want to do it in front of you.
Leonard: Oh, how kind of her.
Sheldon: Agreed. Most primates don't show that sort of discretion. A female bonobo will copulate with a new male in front of the old one without so much as a how do you do.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: Oh, hey, on a related subject, are you embarrassed to have me around your friends?
Penny: Oh, my god, no. Why would you ask that?
Leonard: Well, you know, I just noticed I haven't really met any of them.
Penny: Sure you have.
Leonard: Well, yeah, no, I met the huge ex-boyfriend and the smaller, yet still larger than me, ex-boyfriend.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: Leonard, look, if you want to meet my friends, that would be great. I just, you know, I didn't want you to be bored.
Leonard: I wouldn't be bored. Why would I be bored?
Penny: Well, 'cause they're not genius scientists.
Leonard: Penny, I like all sorts of people. In fact, some of my best friends aren't geniuses.
Penny: Like who?
Leonard: Okay, some of my Facebook friends aren't geniuses.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Penny: Well, then why don't you come over next Saturday and watch the game with us?
Leonard: Another football game?
Penny: They have them every week.
Leonard: Did not know that.
Leonard: Sure, sure, just I don't know much about football.
Penny: Oh, that's okay. A lot of the guys' girlfriends don't know football. They just kind of drink and talk in the kitchen.
Leonard: Great.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: Now, what is this sacks statistic they put up there?
Howard: All I know about Saks is, my mother shops there.
Leonard: (Thumbing through a guide book) Sacks, sacks
Sheldon: It's football nomenclature for when a quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage.
Leonard: Huh. (Searching the book again) Scrimmage
Sheldon: The line of scrimmage is the imaginary transverse line separating the offense from the defense.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Sheldon: If you're interested, I also know all about frying meat that isn't chicken as if it were chicken.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Leonard: Please, I'm asking you as a friend.
Sheldon: Are you making this a tier one friendship request?
Leonard: Yes.
Sheldon: Fine.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Cornhusker Vortex

Sheldon: Yeah, yeah. All right, Poindexter, sit down, shut up and listen.
Leonard: I'm sorry?
Sheldon: That's how my father always began our football conversations. And if you'd like, after the game, I'll take you outside and teach you how to shoot close enough to a raccoon that it craps itself.

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