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Quote from Raj in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Raj: Ooh, this is exciting. Like one of my classic murder mystery dinner parties.
Leonard: Right, the case of who murdered three Saturday nights of my life?
Howard: Colonel Koothrappali in the kitchen with the olive spread.
Raj: It was tapenade and you guys suck.

Quote from Penny in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Penny: Look, he just moved here from London, okay? He doesn't really know anybody.
Leonard: Oh, good, an English accent, the sexiest accent you can have.
Penny: No, that's not true. There's French, there's Italian. No, you're right, it's the best.

Quote from Raj in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Howard: What could he be doing in there every day for twenty minutes?
Raj: Well, he's not doing twenty-minute abs, because if he were, he would have better abs.

Quote from Raj in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Raj: He is kind of a weirdo. Maybe he's got Leonard Nimoy chained up in there. Or Bill Gates. Or Stephen Hawking.
Howard: Why would he chain up Stephen Hawking?
Raj: Howard, please, you can't treat the man differently just because he's disabled. That's not okay.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Leonard: This is silly. I have nothing to worry about.
Sheldon: Oh, I don't know. I mean, statistically speaking, I'm sure you have something to worry about.
Leonard: What do you mean?
Sheldon: Well, if we assume your looks are average, right off the bat fifty percent of men on Earth are more attractive than you. That's 1.5 billion handsome lads standing by, waiting to rain on your parade.
Leonard: Well, yeah, but this isn't just about looks. I'm way above average in a lot of other things.
Sheldon: Not height, vision, athleticism or ability to digest dairy products.

Quote from Howard in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Howard: When I was starting to do magic in junior high, I thought I could be an escape artist like Harry Houdini.
Raj: How did that work out?
Howard: Pretty good. I managed to escape friends, popularity, and every party thrown in a twelve mile radius.

Quote from Raj in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Howard: What kind of secret does Sheldon have to encrypt?
Raj: He's always been very cagey about what he puts in his egg salad to make it so tasty.
Howard: It's paprika.
Raj: Really? Well, okay, one mystery solved.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Leonard: You, uh, moving in to the apartment on the fifth floor?
Cole: No, I was just visiting a friend.
Leonard: Oh, cool. The cute blond on four?
Cole: Yeah, you know her?
Leonard: I see her around. I like to keep my distance because her boyfriend is a pretty scary dude.
Cole: Really?
Leonard: Yeah. He's ganged up.
Cole: She told me he's a scientist.
Leonard: That's the name of his gang. The Scientists. They're crazy.
Cole: Well, thanks for the tip.
Leonard: No problem, brother. Stay frosty.

Quote from Leonard in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Alex: Oh, hello, Dr. Hofstadter.
Leonard: Hey, Alex, call me Leonard. Dr. Hofstadter is my father. And my mother. And my sister. And our cat. Although I'm pretty sure Dr. Boots Hofstadter's degree was honorary.

Quote from Howard in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Howard: Forty-three. What is forty-three? Besides my mom's neck size.
Raj: It's the atomic number for technetium.
Howard: That stuff's radioactive.
Raj: Do you think he's building a bomb?
Howard: It took him two years to put together that Lego Death Star. I'm not worried.

Quote from Howard in the episode The 43 Peculiarity

Raj: That's good quality video.
Howard: It better be. It's the same camera for the Mars rover.
Raj: How did you get your hands on that?
Howard: Million dollar camera. Ten dollar lock.

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation

Leonard: Howard did go to the International Space Station.
Sheldon: Yeah, that was five weeks ago. How much longer is he gonna milk that cow?

Quote from Sheldon in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation

Sheldon: Give me back my parking space.
Howard: You don't need a parking space. You don't have a car.
Sheldon: You don't need an Iron Man helmet. You're not Iron Man.

Quote from Howard in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation

Howard: Well, we appear to have reached an impasse. And you know, I have to say, I thought you'd be more upset that your laptop is sitting on my junk.

Quote from Amy in the episode The Parking Spot Escalation

Sheldon: Keep a lookout. This place is swarming with campus security. They will not hesitate to scold us.
Amy: Freaking pigs.

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