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Quote from the episode The Troll Manifestation

Leonard: This is exciting. This is really exciting. I have to go find Sheldon.
Penny: Okay, well, if you find him use the kitchen island. That coffee table will not support both of you.

Quote from the episode The Table Polarization

Penny: Amy, it's Penny. Hey. Just a little heads up, Leonard bought a dining room table. Yeah, Sheldon's breaking up with you.

Quote from the episode The Focus Attenuation

Amy: Ooh, there's a cover band in the lounge.
Penny: Eh, no.
Amy: But they play Barry Manilow.
Penny: No.
Amy: But they're called Fairly Manilow.
Penny: Oh, okay.
Amy: Great!
Penny: No!

Quote from the episode The Monetary Insufficiency

Amy: Is it possible that the very first dress is the dress?
Penny: Oh, don't be silly. You can't buy the first dress you try on. That'd be like marrying the first guy that you- You can't buy the first dress you try on.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Leonard: It's the greatest scientific feud of all time. I mean, you can forget about Leibniz and Newton.
Penny: Done.

Quote from the episode The Convention Conundrum

Penny: That's a whole lot of weird before cofee.

Quote from the episode The Bitcoin Entanglement

Penny: Hey. What are you guys doing?
Raj: Uh, we have a bunch of Bitcoin on an old laptop, and it could be worth, like, a lot of money.
Penny: What-- You're kidding.
Leonard: No. We-we could be sitting on a fortune.
Penny: Okay, let the record show, I did not marry you for money, but you just got way more attractive.

Quote from the episode The Bitcoin Entanglement

Penny: Well, weddings aren't about the location. They're about standing up in front of your family and friends and promising that Sheldon will never move back in here.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Reverberation

Leonard: Well, we've been married two years. Should we think about what's next? Like buying a house or having a baby?
Penny: Look, I want to do all those things someday, but there's a bunch of stuff I want to do first.
Leonard: Okay, like what?
Penny: I don't know, stay thin and have money.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Sheldon: Leonard, can you drive me to work?
Leonard: Yeah, sure. Oh, hey, the guys and I were talking about going to see the Tesla coil at the observatory later on, if you want to join.
Sheldon: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm busy.
Leonard: Why? What are you doing?
Penny: Leonard, what are you doing? He said he can't go. Make a sad face, move on.

Quote from the episode The Gyroscopic Collapse

Penny: Okay, listen to me. Your relationship can handle being long distance for a while. It's not like you two are very physical.
Amy: Hey, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.
Penny: A lot of lectures?
Amy: All right, so you know.

Quote from the episode The Tesla Recoil

Penny: You know, that documentary last night was actually better than I thought it would be.
Leonard: Really? Should've been about Samuel Morse the way they telegraphed that ending.
Penny: I already pretended to laugh at that joke once. Do I have to do it again?
Leonard: Yeah, I'd appreciate it. (chuckles)
Penny: (forced laugh) Samuel Morse. You kill me.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation

Penny: All right, what about music?
Sheldon: I enjoy marching bands and Tibetan throat singing.
Penny: No music it is.

Quote from the episode The Celebration Experimentation

Barry Kripke: Hello, I hope I'm not too early.
Bernadette: No, no, no. Come on in.
Barry Kripke: And how is the radiant mommy-to-be?
Bernadette: Doing great.
Stuart: You're pregnant?
Bernadette: Yeah.
Stuart: Sounds like something a member of the group might know.
Penny: Yeah, birthday party first. Pity party later.

Quote from the episode The Line Substitution Solution

Sheldon: All right, back to learning.
Penny: Okay.
Sheldon: Oh, easy. Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Penny: Or as I know him?
Sheldon: Creepy old dude from Dancing with the Stars.
Penny: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

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