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Quote from the episode The Geology Elevation

Amy: Sheldon, it's foolish to be angry that Bert's work has merit.
Sheldon: Yeah, well I am angry! And you telling me not to be angry makes me angry! And do you know how hearing myself say the word angry over and over makes me feel?
Penny: (raises her hand) Ooh, angry?
Leonard: What are you doing?
Penny: I knew the answer. I got excited.

Quote from the episode The Property Division Collision

Sheldon: There's hooks in the closet, I can hang it right now.
Penny: Oh, no, no, those hooks are gone.
Sheldon: What happened to them?
Penny: Uh, we ran out of candy on Halloween, I was just giving everything away.

Quote from the episode The Property Division Collision

Leonard: Is the Wi-Fi working for you?
Penny: Uh, hang on. I don't think so, I'm clicking on "One weird trick for a flat belly," but I'm still seeing "Celebrities who look like their pets".

Quote from the episode The Property Division Collision

Sheldon: I have to admit, leaving you to move in with Amy has been harder than I thought it would be.
Leonard: Well, for me, too. It's not the same with you gone.
Theodore: If you're looking for a new guy to live with-
Leonard: No!
Penny: We're good. Thank you.

Quote from the episode The Birthday Synchronicity

Leonard: If we find my backup inhaler, maybe we can get frisky.
Penny: Oh, you sexy, wheezy little man.

Quote from the episode The Birthday Synchronicity

Leonard: Found the backup inhaler. Want to have sex?
Penny: Well, I didn't until I heard that.

Quote from the episode The Holiday Summation

Leonard: You want to decorate it tonight?
Penny: Yeah, with gasoline and a match? Sure.

Quote from the episode The Romance Recalibration

Leonard: Well, now be careful, these are hot. I could explain the thermodynamics of why the cheese seems hotter than the crust, but instead, I'm gonna keep it to myself.
Penny: Oh. You always know what not to say.

Quote from the episode The Allowance Evaporation

Penny: Okay, I want in. Ten bucks says I'll lose interest before that thing stops spinning.

Quote from the episode The Allowance Evaporation

Raj: It turns out he doesn't care if I'm married or if I'm single. He's basically given up on me.
Bernadette: Oh, I'm sure that's not true.
Raj: It is. He stopped trying to find Indian girls for me to marry.
Leonard: All you did was complain when he did that.
Penny: Leonard, he's hurting. Let him feel how he feels.
Raj: Thank you, Penny.
Penny: Yeah. Shoes, I'm a seven-and-a-half; boots, I'm an eight.

Quote from the episode The Comic-Con Conundrum

Penny: You know, maybe it won't be that bad. Leonard says it's really mainstream now. Comic books aren't just for sad nerds anymore. (Penny drives past Raj, dressed as Aquaman, twirling a sign for Stuart's comic book store) I mean, it is still a key part of their demographic.

Quote from the episode The Escape Hatch Identification

Leonard: Aw, man, did you see this post from Raj?
Penny: What? Is it another video of him and his dog Lady-and-the-Tramping some spaghetti?

Quote from the episode The Escape Hatch Identification

Leonard: We do have Sheldon's old room. If he really needs a place to stay, I guess we should offer it to him.
Penny: You're a good friend.
Leonard: Am I still a good friend if I wait and hope that Howard offers him a place to live first?
Penny: You're an even better husband.

Quote from the episode The Separation Agitation

Penny: You know, on our first date, Leonard used a coupon to buy me a pretzel.
Leonard: And we lived happily ever after.
Penny: The end.

Quote from the episode The Separation Agitation

Bert: Hello? Is anybody home?
Leonard: Is that Bert?
Bert: It's Bert.
Penny: I think it's Bert.

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